Co-Curricular Activities at Austin Community College

Co-curricular (Not the same as extracurricular) activities means that these events are companion experiences to academic courses. Whereas students may or may not earn academic credit for participation, they may be sanctioned by the same educational institution.

As part of EDUC 1300, you are expected to attend at least one co-curricular event during the semester.

Campus Events Calendar

ACC Student Life

Every Student Life Office has a food pantry that is free and available for all ACC students to utilize. Stop by any Student Life Office to learn more! Student Life partners with Central Texas Food Bank to bring free, healthy foods to ACC students on the 4th Friday of every month at the Riverside campus from 9:00am – 11:00am (rain or shine).

Office of Money Management

Student Government

Transfer Co-Curricular Activities

Accelerator Career-Ready Workshops

Community Outreach & Volunteer Opportunities