Inspirational Stories

A few years ago, I decided to change my life for the better. I thought I would write about the changes I decided to make in case others could benefit from it. There were numerous reasons why I wanted to make these life alterations, but the main ones were:

1. I knew I was capable of so much more. I wanted to make an effort to exploit my full potential and accomplish more and I was not doing that. (more)

Life is a funny thing. There is no road map. The best we can do is hope for a strong upbringing, surrounded by a good family and people who care for us. After that, we pray for their love and support as we try to fumble our way through adulthood.

Do you feel like a completely different personwhen you’ve had a good night’s sleep? You may notice that not only are you more alert, but that you have a different outlook as well. The world appears to be a friendlier and easier place to navigate. Needless to say, so many of us have trouble sleeping at night. A busy mind and a tense body are difficult to unwind after a day out in the world. These poses are designed to unwind knots in the body and tone your somatic nervous system and calm your autonomic nervous system—all important elements of a good night’s sleep.