Summer & Special Programs

If you are applying for a summer or special program that requires a teacher recommendation, teachers need a minimum of three school weeks to complete these. This allows for them to obtain administrative approval and send the documents on time. Please plan ahead! 

There are many summer programs across the nation in colleges and universities geared toward high school students. A few are featured. 

Featured Programs in Hawaii:

Senator Brian Schatz offers internships for rising leaders:

KUPU, The Hawaii Youth Conservation Corps provides excellent opportunities for students to work on preserving Hawaii's unique environment, earn money, and maybe even earn college credit.

They also have a fabulous Summer program for those in high school

Dual Credit (earning high school and college credit simultaneously):

UH Manoa offers dual credit in the summer and also during the school year: 

UH Manoa Summer Scholars (Summer college courses for eligible high school students)

Manoa Academy- the Social Science department offers dual credit opportunities year round.

Eager college bound learners may qualify for early admission into colleges for a dual credit course during the summer or during the school year. This typically requires approval from the high school principal, parents and college counselor so we can help you with the application process if you are interested, ready and qualified. Here are the links to of the Hawaii community colleges' admission sites, where you can also find information about early admission. Schedule an appointment with Ms. James if you are interested in applying so that she can discuss the process and course selection with you. Under high school, select "other, private school." Cost of dual credit is a family responsibility.

HPU 600: Hawaii Pacific University is offering very low cost dual credit classes to high school students, online, only $600 per course.

JESSE Program- UH Manoa College of Engineering

"Junior Engineers Summer STEM Experience or JESSE Internship which spans for 6 weeks. This is an amazing opportunity for your students to gain real world experience in the engineering field and work with our very own UH Mānoa labs."

Summer CTE (Career and Technical Education) Academy at Honolulu Community College open to high school juniors and seniors (graduating) - a great way to explore various trades!

Hawaii Pacific Health Summer Internship:

For high school juniors and seniors (rising) and college students interested in health care. See their website for more information.

Featured Programs outside of Hawaii 

The John Hopkins Center for Talented Youth offers a variety of courses for students in elementary and secondary school seeking advanced study.

Arizona State University offers the Global Freshman Academy program, a lower risk and low cost opportunity to work toward college credit while you are in high school, and get your feet wet in college level course work online.

N3 Program at Sonoma State University is offered in partnership with NASA's Neurodiversity network. This is specifically for neurodiverse students passionate about NASA topics. Online and on campus options available.

BYU Independent Study offers high school and college courses completely online, self paced.

Beacon College Summer for Success is designed for exceptional learners (those with learning differences or ADHD). Beacon is in Leesburg, FL, close to Orlando.

CLE, College Living Experience, provides wrap around education and services to help young adults with learning disabilities and/ or ADHD to transition successfully to college and adulthood. They also offer excellent Summer programs for high school age students.

Landmark College in Vermont, a small K-12 and 4 year college for students who are bright and/ or learn differently, offers summer programs for high school students:

SEAP is an Engineering Summer internship for rising sophomores, juniors and seniors. More information and application are available on their website:

Kroka offers gap year and adventure learning programs for teens. This comes highly recommend from one Assets parents, who has a personal connection with the director. This is for someone seeking experiential learning.

NOLS, National Outdoor Leadership School offers outstanding summer and gap year programs for high school and college students:

NASA Neurodiversity Network program at Sonoma State University is an internship program for neurodiverse students that partners students interested in NASA topics with experts in the field.

Rustic Pathways provides high school and college aged students with travel and gap year programs all over the world. Great, varied programs.

SAME- The Society of American Military Engineers, offers STEM Engineering Camps for high school sophomores and juniors. More info is available on their web site:

SOAR Academy provides camps for children as young as 8 years old, programs for middle and high school age students, and gap year programs for young adults with learning disabilities or ADHD in a variety of locations. Check out their programs here:

WPI Frontiers Program offers pre-college engineering school experiences for high school students. Excellent program!

University of Wyoming Engineering offers an outstanding program for high school students interested in Engineering. Major perk: this one is extremely low cost if you can get in! Check it out, future engineers:

Temple University Japan High School Summer Program- 1 week program with Japanese language studies, electives, cultural experiences and excursions in and near Tokyo.