Invitation Letter

Dear Colleague:

I am writing because you have judged for the West Central Regional Science Fair at ASMSA before or because someone has identified you as a potential judge. I am hoping that you will be able to find the time in your busy schedule to judge this year. Science Fair judging will be held at ASMSA in Hot Springs from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 27. Coffee and pastry will be served before judging begins and lunch will be provided. You are also invited to attend the awards ceremony on Friday, February 28 at 2:30 pm at ASMSA.

Judges should have a master's degree or experience in a field related to the category. Graduate and medical students are also welcome especially if they are ASMS(A) alumni or are actively involved in research.

Science Fair judging consists of viewing the students’ posters, papers, and lab notebooks before they arrive. Then, after lunch, you will interview them about their project and choose the winners. Most categories are finished well before 3:00 p.m. The complete criteria, rubrics, and instructions on how to judge are posted on the fair web site.

This would be a wonderful opportunity to meet some of Arkansas’ best math and science students and talk with them about their research. If you would like to volunteer or you need more information, please contact me by phone at (501) 622-5242 or by e-mail at Or you can sign up via this web form. I am including a list of the categories below. All of the instructions and more details about the fair are on the fair web site at

Please share this invitation with others at your institution that you feel may be interested and thank you for your support.


Brian D. Monson, Ph.D.

Director, West Central Regional Science Fair and Junior Academy

Science Fair Judging Teams

Team 1: Animal Science, Plant Science

Team 2: Behavioral & Social Science

Team 3: Chemistry, Physics & Astronomy

Team 4: Earth Science, Environmental Science

Team 5: Computer Science

Team 6: Engineering: Electrical & Mechanical, Engineering:Materials & Bioengineering

Team 7: Cellular & Molecular Biology, Microbiology

Team 8: Medicine & Health Science

Team 9: Mathematics