Entertainment Example

Entertainment Propaganda

Kourtney and Khole take Miami





The entertainment example of propaganda that I selected is a reality television show called Kourtney and Khole take Miami. This show follows the lives of well known Kourtney and Khole Kardashian and their lives in Miami. Kourtney and Khole are the daughters of Robert Kardashian, who is known for being O.J. Simpson’s lawyer. The two sisters are known to be trend setters and very popular people. This show is produced by Ryan Secrest, who is very well known and famous. It is shown on E! channel, which has all the latest news about celebrities and fashion.

The main message shown in this television show, is that partying and drinking is the only way to have fun and that is what all the popular people do. They always have the latest fashion that many people want and buy after seeing them wearing it. In many of the episodes, the girls say things about just wanting to go out and have a fun time to take stress off. The girls are always shown having a good time and everyone wanting to be around them. In one episode, Kourtney goes out drinking while she is still breast feeding her baby. She is so hung over the next day that she cannot even take her son to the zoo and enjoy a day with her family. On another episode, Khole Kardashian took out drugs on her radio show. Khole is generally known as the nicest sister and the one most people look up to. This is showing that it is okay to do that kind of stuff to teenagers.

The audience that the show Kourtney and Khole take Miami targets is young teenagers, to adults. People who watch this show are left with the message that the only way to have fun is do the crazy things that these girls do. I think that these reality television shows are popular, because the audience feels as if they are part of the celebrities life, and that they can see what the life of a celebrities life is like. It is also made to be funny for the audience.

The type of propaganda that has been used in this example is testimonial. Testimonial is where you are made to believe that you have to do a certain thing just because a celebrity or someone well known and famous promotes it. It uses this technique, by making people believe that by partying and drinking a lot is the only way to be cool, just because these people do that. In this show, Kourtney and Khole are always shown having an awesome time out at clubs, so it makes people think that that is a cool thing to do because they’re cool and set all the trends. The target audience of teenagers may think that if these celebrities enjoy it so much, then it must be worth trying.

Propaganda in the show Khole and Kourtney take Miami “spoke” to me because I find that the show is entertaining and funny to watch. It is entertaining to see how the life’s of these people go on day to day and how much of it has to do with becoming popular and setting every new trend.


In the show Kourtney and Khole take Miami, the main message that is shown is that to be cool and popular, you have to party and drink a lot. This is misleading and incorrect, because it makes the audience think that they have to be like them in order to be cool and popular. Its associating cool, drinking and these fabulous famous people al l together and people will think that that is the “right” thing to do.

Some of the messages sent through propaganda in this show are good and bad. The positive sides of this show are that sometimes the things that they do are good and do set good examples to people. Kourtney and Khole run the store D.A.S.H, so it sets shows people that even famous people work and makes them feel equal and good to be associated with them in some way. Another way that this show has a positive effect, is that they sometimes help out with charity work so it is setting a good example and showing how to use your fame to help others. The negative points of this example of propaganda is that it makes people believe that the only way to be cool is to drink alcohol, which sets a bad example to teenagers and could pressure them into drinking because they want to know why famous people enjoy it so much. Kourtney and Khole could be a teenager’s role model, as they set the latest fashion trends and have a television show. What kind of example are they setting for this person who doesn’t know right from wrong and looks up to these girls?

The whole story of this show is that, there are often consequences for the things they do, they just aren’t completely shown. They aren’t often shown when they are hung over the next day, or they make a joke out of it out of it to make the show “funny”. I believe that if they showed the consequences of these girls, then people would know that those choices aren’t right.

The effect that this has on the viewer without questioning the idea in the propaganda, is mainly negative in my opinion. Without questioning it, you are lead to believe that the only way to be popular and to have fun is to be crazy and drink and I don’t think that that is right to leave in teenagers minds. It could cause a high rate of teenagers to start drinking and not knowing the consequences of alcohol and in severe cases, lead to death. This show can cause people to think that there’s no consequences for anything, since the stars of the show are living a life where they don’t have to worry about anything. Finally, this shows impact on me has definitely made it seem like the life that Kourtney and Khole life is great and they have a lot of fun. The show is funny and entertaining so it appears that way.

Overall I believe this show has negative effects on society. It makes teenagers think that drinking is the right thing to do, just because celebrities do that. It also lets them think that they can be reckless and have no negative consequences.