Archive Items

What is a Ratio? - Introductory video about ratios, how to write them and ratio types.

Stem and Leaf Plots - Tutorial on drawing and interpreting stem and leaf plots.

Rounding Numbers - Easy to follow steps for rounding large and small numbers.

Press Your Luck video - Clip from the game show "Press Your Luck". Shows how a knowledge of patters can help you win $100,000.

Place Value to Billions - Math with Larry tutorial video.

Party Planner - Plan out the floor plan for a party. Fun practice with Area and Perimeter.

Ordering Game - Put decimal numbers in order from least to greatest. Click on "Tricky Decimals" to help prepare for Wednesday's quiz.

More Challenging Fraction to Percent Conversions - Conversions requiring division

Math is Power - Math is Power ad campaign.

Mat5hs Mansion - Equivalent Fractions - Fun video about calculating equivalent fractions.

Fractions - Musical video review basic fraction terms.

Finding Averages - A very practical and easy-to-follow example on how to recalculate an average.

Estimating is a Skill for Life - When estimating is useful and how to do it. Includes a link to a fun, interactive Estimating Game.

Distributive Property - Tutorial video explaining how to use the distributive property to make multiplication easier

Decimal Numbers - All you need to know about decimals - Ordering, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.

Comparing Fractions with Unlike Denominators - Tutorial video on comparing fractions with different denominators.

Animaniacs Multiplication - Silly video about multiplication