Goals and Expectations

Team Yellow Mathematics

Mrs. Ferrari and Ms. Stanislawzyk

eferrari@ashland.k12.ma.us, x8313,  mstanislawzyk@ashland.k12.ma.us, x8366

We are very excited about the upcoming year, and look forward to another fun and rewarding experience teaching 6th grade Math.  Our curriculum is based on the Big Ideas Math program, which aligns with the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks for Grade 6.  Topics include: 

The Number System   

Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Algebraic Expressions and Equations 


Statistics and Probability

For your convenience, we've also outlined the Goals and Expectations for our class:

A.  Homework

Homework is a very important part of learning math, and to reinforce our daily lessons, we assign homework almost every night. All lessons, assignments, and supporting materials are posted to Google Classroom daily, and are due the next school day unless otherwise stated. We review all homework assignments in class so students can correct errors, ask questions, and develop a deeper understanding of the content. 

Students receive a check mark (√) for satisfactory work, a check plus (√+) for excellent work or extra credit, and a check minus (√-) for incomplete work or assignments turned in late. For excused absences, students are given full credit for homework completed by the agreed upon date. We typically expect students to complete make-up assignments within two days for each day they are absent. 

B.  Grading Policy

Students are expected to demonstrate a satisfactory understanding of the topics outlined above. We check for understanding through formal assessments (tests and quizzes), homework assignments, and student engagement (participation, binder checks).  A student’s term grade is based on an average of these items, with assessments representing 50%, homework representing 30%, and classwork representing 10% of the grade.  Any student who doesn't earn a passing grade on a test or quiz will be given the opportunity to improve their understanding and score by completing a "buy back".  Please see embedded link for the complete Buy Back Policy.

Parents can keep track of student progress throughout the year by logging into IParent. This is a feature of the IPass Student Information System that provides parents access to schedules, grades, assignments and attendance records. For information about obtaining an IParent account, parents should read the attached document entitled "IPass FAQ".

C.  Communication Guidelines

We believe that communication between teachers, students and parents is an essential part of student success. Students should talk with us in class or send an email as soon as they have questions or need help with a particular skill or assignment. Also, we strongly encourage parents to contact us via email or phone with any questions or concerns they have about their child. We promise to respond to any calls, notes, or emails in a timely fashion; usually within 24 hours.

We look forward to working with our students and their parents to make this a fun and successful school year. Welcome to our class! 

PARENTS or GUARDIANS, please complete the below verification form and hit "Submit" to confirm that you have reviewed this document with your child. 

If you want to provide both parents' contact information, please refresh this page and complete the form again. 


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