
Welcome to my website! I invite you to look around and see the resources and games I have put on here for my fabulous students at Ashford School.

I am happy to teach in the Comprehensive Resource Room, or CORR program. I teach Special Education for multiple subjects and students from a variety of grades. We do lots of projects and incorporate life skills and academics in fun ways!

My room is a warm and friendly place with lots of wonderful students and staff!

In 2017, I became a National Geographic Certified Educator. This provides me with access to some wonderful resources. As an example, I was able to collaborate with Mrs. Knotts, our sixth grade Science teacher. I arranged for our sixth graders to participate in a conversation with a researcher in northern Botswana, via a satellite link. You can watch the replay at the following link. Ashford is specifically mentioned at the 29 minute mark:


Here is a brief clip about the CORR room and what we have done this year in our quest to learn about the world!

Quick video of CORR Room activities

Feel free to email me any comments, questions, or suggestions!