Welcome to First Grade!


Ashford School Supplemental Learning Packet Link (all grades) https://sites.google.com/ashfordct.org/resources/home

First Grade: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G8Fwx1DEc-LJUUikcS8J7Nfv1mLXCDPQ/view

Lexia: https://auth.mylexia.com//mylexiaLogin or

1. Go to ashfordct.org

2. Go to For Students

3. PreK-4

4. Language Arts

5. Lexia Sign in. If prompted for teacher email use kgauvin@ashfordct.org

6. Username:

7. Password:

iReady Math: https://login.i-ready.com/ or

1. Go to ashfordct.org

2. For Students

3. I-READY Login

4. K-1 Login card

5. Class Number: 269494

6. Name

7. Password:

8. MATH SECTION ONLY. (1st graders do not have accounts for reading)

9. Do the “TEACHER ASSIGNED” lesson


1. https://play.prodigygame.com/

2. Username:

3. Password:

Scholastic News Login Information: https://sn1.scholastic.com/home-page-logged-in.html

Log In- I am a Student

Password: gauvin

BookFlix https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/support/learnathome.html?promo_code=6294&eml=CM/smd/20200312//txtl/sm/ed

Welcome! First grade is a wonderful year where you see huge growth in your student! By the end of the year they will be independent readers, writers, and mathematicians. They will begin reading "chapter" books, and writing full stories. It is going to be a great year and please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns at any time.

Important Notes:

  • We have PE on days 1 and 3. Please remember to have your child wear sneakers on these days.
  • Please pack a healthy snack for your student every day. They can keep a water bottle at school, please label it with their name or initials


10 minutes of reading nightly is encouraged. Students are allowed to bring home books from our classroom library. Please note that you can read books other than the one they chose. Students should color an icon on their monthly homework log for each 10 minutes read.

Students also have a choice board for homework sent home monthly. Please mark which items your student chooses.

Spelling tests are every Friday! Please make sure to practice spelling words at home with your child nightly using the spelling choice board.

Occasionally, math homework or uncompleted work will be sent home for extra practice, or for weekend work. Games we have done in class may also be sent home for extra practice.

***NOTE*** There is NO spelling during 3-day weeks

Please make sure to check your child's folder daily for communications. I am also using the class Dojo "story" feature to add pictures and give updates.