Grading Policy

Effort Grading Scale

This includes participation, behavior, attitude, and willingness to try.  All students begin each class with an “S”.  It’s up to each student to keep it there or improve their grade!  I do post grades in Q, so you can check your child’s progress at any time.  Students in grades 4-6 assess their own participation at the end of each class using a participation rubric.  Students may earn a maximum of 10 points per class.


All absences are excused.  However, if a student misses many classes (5 or more) in a quarter, make up work may be necessary to keep up with class activities and learning.  This will be dealt with on a case by case basis.     

Participation Rubric (master) .docx

Participation Rubric for 4th - 6th

Grading Scale for 4th - 6th

Grading Scale for K-3rd Graders

O (Outstanding)

All of the “S” and "S+"  behaviors AND:

Tries to speak Spanish as much as possible and always trying your best

S+ (Responsible)

All of the "S" behaviors AND:

Has a positive attitude, willing to try, sets a good example for others, helps others

S (Satisfactory)

Participates, listens and follows directions,  cooperates with others, follows all school/class rules

S- (Irresponsible)

Not following directions, not cooperating, talking out of turn, refusing to work with a class member, blaming others

N (Disrespectful)

Not participating, not prepared, not following directions, talks out of turn, tattles, blames others, uncooperative, hurts feelings, arguing, fighting, leaving without permission, abuses school property or materials