

Our school uses the Saxon Math program. Kindergarteners are assessed at the beginning of the year and placed into a math class that is best fitted to their academic needs. Math is school-wide from 8:30 to 9:45 am.


Each student will meet daily in a leveled reading group that will focus on skills such as word decoding, reading fluency, and story structures. We will also be reading about themes such as the alphabet, fall/apples, penguins, Chinese New Year and Alaska Native Fairy Tales to name a few.

Students will have time to read independently, in small groups and as a whole group.


This year our primary teachers have adopted the writing curriculum "Strategies for Writers" from Zaner-Bloser I am really excited about this program, but please be patient with me as I learn the ropes of the process.


We will be using the district provided science kits and adding our own Aquarian awesomeness. We will be researching topics such as our five senses, patterns in nature, plants, forces and motions and balls and ramps.

Health/Social Emotional Learning

For health, we will be using ASD curriculum The Body Shop and focusing on healthy eating, hygiene, and keeping ourselves safe.

We will be using the Connected and Respected curriculum for our social emotional learning focusing on responsibility to ourselves, others and our community. We will discuss conflict resolution using Kelso's Choices as one method for self-advocacy.