Class Permission

Starting with fall and summer 2013 registration, the class permission process is now entirely online!

  • No more messing with class permission emails to the One Stop office
  • No more running around between the student, the instructor, the department office, and One Stop to figure out what is needed
  • No more sending a permission email and then waiting for months for the student to actually register and claim the seat in the class

Here's how it works:

Step 1: Log in to your Faculty Center at

Step 2: Open "My Schedule" and click on the Permissions icon next to the class in question.

Step 3: Find the next un-issued number and verify that it has the correct boxes marked for what you want to do with it.

  • If the "Consent Required" box is checked, the student will be able to add the class if it requires instructor or department consent, but only if it is already open.
  • If the "Closed Class" box is checked, the student will be able to add the class if it is closed, but only if it does not require instructor or department consent.
  • If both boxes are checked, the student will be able to add the class even if it is closed and even if it requires instructor or department consent.

Step 4: Click on the Issued box.

Step 5: Enter the student's full ID number, complete with all zeros and with no hyphens.

Step 6: Scroll down to the bottom and click the "Save" button.

Step 7: Give the number and the expiration date to the student and remind them that the number will not work for them once the

expiration date has passed.

Step 8 (optional): You can go back and check to be sure that the student used the permission number to register for your class. The

ID number of the student who used the number will appear in the "Empl ID" column.

Four different types of classes require permission for a student to be able to add them:

  1. Classes that are full (according to the online class schedule)
  2. Classes that say "Instructor Consent Required" in the online description
  3. Classes that say "Department Consent Required" in the online description*
  4. Classes with prerequisite or co-requisite requirements that the student has not met**

*Check with your department about their policy for "Department Consent Required" classes

**Only department chairs or program directors can give permission to override a prerequisite or co-requisite

When a student wants to add one of your classes to their schedule, and the class falls into one of the first three categories, you can choose to give permission to the student. To give permission, you will log in to your Faculty Center at and issue a permission number to that specific student. Once that is done, you can give the number to the student, who can then go online and add the class themselves without going to One Stop or filling out paperwork.

Remember that the student will not be able to register for the class without approval from the chair or program director for your department if they have not met all listed prerequisites and co-requisites according to the current online class schedule.