Northstar Certification

Call 651-604-3553 to enroll and get started!

2023-2024Class Times:-In Person or Zoom: M-Th 1:15-3:15pm
To get started:Call: 651-604-3553

Course Description

Our Northstar Digital Literacy Online Learning course will improve your abilities for using today's technology. You will use videos, tutorials, and lessons to help you to learn about the computer, internet, and related software and programs. In class, your teacher will guide you through activities to help you practice your digital literacy skills. You will be using an NSOL online account to track your progress. Once you're ready to show what you've learned, you can take one (or more) of the proctored Northstar exams. You'll receive a certificate for each test that you pass. Students seeking to finish their high school diploma may also earn CTE or Elective credits after completing the coursework and exams.

Texts / Materials

Northstar Digital Literacy Standards (connect with class code: ralc2021)

The Northstar Tests: 

Northstar Digital Literacy Certification: Basic Computer Skills, Internet Basics, Using Email, Windows 10, Mac OS X, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Social Media, Information Literacy, Your Digital Footprint.

Course Goals & Expectations:

Other Online Resources

Computer Skills Vocabulary from CTEP