
The 2023-2024 season has started!

Please check out the 'General Info' link on the left. There is a lot of good information you should know there. If there are questions you can't find answers to, please contact me using the contact info link and I'll try to answer and update this site.

Upcoming Events

Holiday Camp is coming soon!

Please see the "Holiday Camp" tab to the left and sign up in the form if you want to go!

Coaches & Captains

Head Coach

Marshal Landrum

Assistant Coaches

Joe Manns

Katie Montgomery

Captains 2023-2024

Samantha Mermelstein

Ginger Anderson

Owen Larsen

Aaron Brown

RAHS Parents Meeting

Ski Camp 2023 - ABR Ski Trails - Ironwood, Michigan 

Mesabi Invitational 2023 - Giant's Ridge