Welcome to the Central Park Library Media Center
Library Media Center Hours
The Media Center is open at all times during the school day. Students may check out books at any time with their teacher's permission, or during their regularly scheduled library time.
Checkout Policies
Kindergarten students may check out 1 book at a time.
1st grade students may check out 1 book at a time.
2nd grade students may check out up to 2 books at a time.
3rd - 6th grade students may check out up to 3 books at a time.
Overdue Books
Once a library book becomes overdue, students are not allowed to check out additional books until the item is returned. Overdue notices are sent home with students who have overdue materials. If a child feels s/he has received an overdue notice in error, s/he should check with the library staff who will investigate further.
Taking Care of Books
At the beginning of each year, students are taught how to properly care for library books. Guidelines discussed include:
Having a special place at home just for library books.
Not eating or drinking while reading.
Keeping books out of reach of younger children and pets.
Turning the pages from the side or top corner instead of the bottom.
Carrying books between home and school in a backpack.
Using a bookmark instead of folding the corners of pages to keep your place.
Lost or Damaged Books
Students must pay for lost or damaged Media Center materials. If a lost item is found and returned to the media center within one year of payment, a full refund is given.
Book Selection
Students are encouraged to make their own book selections as part of a learning process to determine which books are right for them. Students take out books for many different and valid reasons. They are encouraged to take many different types of books, both fiction and non-fiction. If you are unhappy with the choice your child makes, discuss it with him or her. Find out why he chose the book and if he enjoyed having it. If he feels he did not make a good choice, discuss what might be a better choice next time. Remind him that the library staff knows almost every book in the library and is always happy to match books with students.
Destiny Catalog System
The Media Center has a computerized catalog and circulation system. Students are taught how to conduct computer searches for materials by subject, title, and author.