Kairi Lodge

Trinidad & Tobago

Master's Message

Fratres, Sorores and Seekers, 

It is with sincere and heartfelt gratitude that I embrace this profound opportunity to serve as Master of our Lodge for the Rosicrucian year 3377. To the past Master of Kairi Lodge for the Rosicrucian year 3376 and his team, excellent job, well done. Thank you!

The team of 3377 promises to continue to bring our membership together, so we can all work and worship in unison. It is my vision to lead with love and create an atmosphere at Kairi Lodge where members bring and share love with each other. 

This vision compliments the theme, “Love is the Law!”

According to our beloved Frater Lonnie Edwards, “…we are designed by our creator to love others because within each person is the love of God and a divine soul that is essentially perfect. That same soul and God’s love are likewise within us and make us as one…” 

As students of mysticism, guided by our profound Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, the onus is on us to make good use of our teachings and to enhance our surroundings positively on all levels. Therefore, let us join together in limitless love for the benefit of all life throughout the universe. It is impossible to love everyone because we are not perfect. However, we must continue to be tolerant of others, turn away from fear and hatred, oppose all attitudes of deceit and reject falsehood and ignorance. It is imperative that we love and this is displayed by loving ourselves first.

Love has always been a universal language and it continues to be. As a child, there was a well-known song that made everyone extremely happy and joyous, which contained the wise words;

“…It’s love that makes the world go round…

…It’s you that makes the world go round…

…It’s me that makes the world go round…

…It’s love, that makes the world go round...”

When we meditate on the simple words of this song, we will recognize and appreciate the importance of everyone and our contribution to the development of ourselves, our homes, our community, our lodge, our country and by extension the universe.

As Rosicrucian students, let us in this New Year in fulfilling our duty, focus on the radiation of a plethora of love. Let us seek to be servants of universal love with the hope to effect positive changes towards humanity and in so doing make the world a better place for us all. 

In the bonds that unite us, I send to each of you my best wishes for Peace Profound.

Darine Alexander, F.R.C.

Master, Kairi Lodge, AMORC,

Trinidad and Tobago

Lodge Master                  

Fr. Darine Alexander

Deputy Master                

Fr. Jerry Frederick                 

Lodge Secretary              

Sr. Avelana Phillip

Board of Trustees   

Board Chairperson         

Fr. Darren Robinson

Board Secretary              

Sr. Natasha Miller

Board Treasurer             

Fr. Anthony Shockness

“No business, no movement, no activity on the part of man or a group of men can become any 

greater than the thinking minds and consciousness of the people who are back of the movement.”

 – H. Spencer Lewis       

Meeting Address:

Kairi Lodge, AMORC

No. 5 Connector Road, 

Carlsen Field

Chase Village

Chaguanas, Trinidad, WI

Mailing Address:

Kairi Lodge, AMORC

P.O. Box 895

Port of Spain


West Indies