
Digital Systems Analysis and Design

Course syllabus

Course Information - OLD COURSE: Fall 2009

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Course Description (from the catalog)

Fundamental principles and practices of digital design. Analysis, design and implementation of combinational and sequential logic machines. Introduction to microprocessor architecture and microprocessor programming. Analysis of digital data transmission techniques and microprocessor interfacing. Design with traditional and hardware description language techniques. Implementation with both medium and large scale integrated (M/LSI) chips and programmable logic devices (PLDs). (Prerequisites: ES201 or CS201, EE204, and EE333; EE333 can be taken concurrently).


Stephen Brown and Zvonko Vranesic, Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design, Third Edition, McGraw Hill.

Course Objectives

After successfully completing this course, the students should have deep understanding of:

    • Basic logic gates and circuits, number systems, Boolean algebra

    • Flip-flops, registers, counters, and a simple processor

    • Arithmetic circuits for digital systems

    • Optimization techniques for logic functions

    • Design and analysis of digital systems using Altera Quartus II CAD tool

    • Implementation of combinational and sequential circuits using discrete components

    • Implementation of digital circuits using programmable-logic devices

    • Performance evaluation of implemented circuits

Important Dates

    • Last day to drop the class (course does not appear on academic record): Friday, September 18

    • Last day to withdraw (W grade appears on academic record): Friday, October 30

    • Thanksgiving holidays (campus closed): Thursday - Sunday, November 26-29

    • Last EE343 class: Thursday, December 10

    • Final Exam: 8-10 a.m., Tuesday, December 17

Course Policies


Each student is expected to regularly check his or her generated email address. This address will be used for class correspondence - announcements, homework problems clarifications, etc. If you are not using the official UAF email address, please forward it to your address of choice.


Class attendance is highly recommended. Material not in the text may be introduced at random intervals and occasional quizzes are part of your grade. If you miss a class, lecture slides and other handouts are available on the course home page or can be obtained from the instructor.


Homework problems will typically be due one week after assigned. No late homework will be accepted without a valid excuse and prior arrangement.

You are expected to work independently (even if you work in study groups). The work you hand in should be your own effort. If you have questions about a homework problem outside of instructor’s or TA’s office hours, please feel free to contact them by e‑mail. Homework assignments are expected to be neat and legible. The grader is not obligated to decode scribbles; illegible answers will be assumed to be wrong.


You can expect to have a short quiz given every week. Quizzes will typically cover the material from the previous week or two. The material for quizzes will include lectures, homework, reading assignments, and laboratory exercises. Unless otherwise stated, quizzes will be “closed book”.


Short written laboratory reports are due either right after the lab is completed, or any time before the beginning of the next lab session. Written reports will be graded for both correctness and appearance. A laboratory report submitted up to one week late will be penalized by up to 50% reduction in grade (5% for a 1-day delay, 10% for a 2-day, 15% for a 3-day, 20% for a 4-day, 30% for a 5-day, 40% for a 6-day delay, and 50% for a report that is one week late). No late laboratory reports will be accepted one week after due date.

Attendance is required during your assigned lab period; to pass this course, you will need to successfully complete the lab portion. Unless otherwise arranged with the instructor, you have to attempt all laboratory assignments. Don’t be late for the lab! Useful information for completing the lab will typically be given at the beginning of each lab period. If you work with a lab partner you can submit a single report but the report must state what where the specific responsibilities of each partner. Be prepared to answer questions about the lab assignment during the lab exercise and when turning the report in. If you are working with a partner, it does not necessarily mean that you will receive the same grade.


There will be two term exams and one final exam. The final exam will be comprehensive. No makeup exams will be given except for documented extenuating circumstances. If you can anticipate an absence (work commitments, intercollegiate sports), talk to your instructor before the exam to make arrangements. If the absence is unexpected (illness, family or personal difficulties), talk with your instructor at the earliest possible opportunity.


Plus/Minus grading will be used

Disabilities Services

The Office of Disability Services implements the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and insures that UAF students have equal access to the campus and course materials. The instructor, the teaching assistant, and the administrative assistant will work with the Office of Disabilities Services (203 WHIT, 474-7043) to provide reasonable accommodation to students with disabilities.


As a UAF student, you are subject to UAF's Honor Code:

"Students will not collaborate on any quizzes, in-class exams, or take-home exams that will contribute to their grade in a course, unless permission is granted by the instructor of the course. Only those materials permitted by the instructor may be used to assist in quizzes and examinations.

Students will not represent the work of others as their own. A student will attribute the source of information not original with himself or herself (direct quotes or paraphrases) in compositions, theses and other reports. No work submitted for one course may be submitted for credit in another course without the explicit approval of both instructors.

Violations of the Honor Code will result in a failing grade for the assignment and, ordinarily, for the course in which the violation occurred. Moreover, violation of the Honor Code may result in suspension or expulsion."