
Dr. Dejan Raskovic

Associate Professor

University of ALASKA Fairbanks

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Most of my current research is in the areas of Embedded Systems and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). The focus of my SensE research laboratory is on:

My other areas of research interest:

Past and current graduate students, all with thesis, unless otherwise noted

SensE Lab Photos

Some of the general instruments available in the SensE Lab

    Agilent 66319D Mobile DC environment for long-term energy profiling

   An environment for short-term high-precision profiling of current drain in embedded systems


  Sensor nodes designed and built at UAF

A sensor board based on an MSP430F1232 microcontroller and a Chipcon CC1000 radio [Vadlamani]

(shown with an accelerometer, flash memory, and temperature sensor on board)

   A sensor board based on MSP430F1611 and a Nordic 2 Mbps 2.4GHz radio [Lewis]

 A new self-configuring sensor board based on MSP430F2618 and a Nordic 2 Mbps 2.4GHz radio [Giesel]


 Software development

   PC application for displaying the data from a 3-axes magnetometer

   Sensor emulator - uses one sensor node to emulate larger WSN [Vadlamani, Lewis]

Intrusion detection using the received signal strenght indicator (RSSI) - recordes and replies the RSSI for a network of Motes [Lisee, Lewis]


Energy and performance evaluation of WSN

   High resolution (10 MSps) current drain measurements [Ganapuram]

 Sensor node synchronization under extreme temperature conditions [Lewis]

MIPS/mW performance measurements for Texas Instrument MSP430F2618 [Giessel]


Battery-aware design


 Battery-aware GPS node [Giessel]

Microcontroller and accelerometer based motion detecion for adaptive GPS nodes [Giessel]


Embedded Web Server

Embedded Web Server with an 802.11 expansion board. One of the pages it serves is displayed on iPAQ screen. When a sensor node is connected to this web server it can monitor and control the operation of the entire wireless sensor network. [Revuri] 


Parallel Embedded Systems


SNR attitude determination using a dual microcontroller (MSP430F149) system with two GPS receivers and antennas mounted on the corner of a cube - rev. 1.2. The system includes an OLED display [Peters, Thorsen]

  An improved (rev. 2.1) system for attitude determination with two MSP430F2618 16 MHz microcontrollers featuring a fast 16-bit parallel DMA interface [Peters, Thorsen]