Mission Poster

You will need to open a google doc. and put your First name last name in the title.

You will be creating a mission poster based off of some of the things that we talked about in Habit #2 Begin with an end in mind.

The Mission Poster will be worth 20 points.

Things you need to have on your Mission Poster:

1. Name

2. Quote of something that speaks to you

Song Lyircs

Religious text


3. Top 1/2 of the poster should be a collage of pictures that represent who you are and what you are

4. The bottom 1/4 should be a collage of pictures that represent your fears

5. The other bottom 1/4 should be a collage of pictures that represent your dreams

6. You will be presenting these briefly to the class when they are do and sharing some of your information

Mission Poster