Welcome to IB Economics!

Hi, my name is Ms. Currey and I'm here to guide you through the wonderful world of IB Economics.

You can use the navigation box to the left to find all of the unit materials for this course, including each unit and sections on IA's, papers and exams.

Things to know:

IB Economics is not an easy course. It is structured as a 2 year course. You should know that this class will challenge you to think about the world in a different way and sometimes this will be uncomfortable. But, if you're ready to work hard, do the readings and follow this site every day, I am confident that you will enjoy gaining a better understanding of economics and how it relates to the real world. Additionally, you will be prepared to do well on the IBO's exams!

Link to Entire IB Course Guide (this will be very useful for studying for your IB Exams!!)

If you work hard to learn in this class, you won't fall for Wally's (the bald guy) tricks!