College & Career Advising

Meet Mr. Bleything

College and Career Advising Google Classroom - Along with the scholarships that you can find on this website, they can also be found in the Google Classroom with the addition to more scholarships and grant information. Posted there are also tools to help discover your post secondary goals. In the google classroom you may also sign up for a time to meet for advising, or to see when different intuition's representatives are visiting the school.

About Me

I grew up here in the Brashear community, attending the Brashear School District K-12. I began my post secondary education at William Woods University, where I also was part of the baseball team. I then transferred to Truman State where I continued my education and earned my Bachelors of Science in Exercise Science & my Master of Arts in Education. I am currently working at Brashear through a program called RootED. Our overreaching goal is "transform postsecondary and career outcomes for rural students through advice, exposure, and access to financial resources".

A little bit more about me, my hobbies include most sports & activities including outdoorsman activities. When asked about favorite teams, I typically respond that I don't particularly have a specific team that I watch but rather put a game on to watch certain match ups. I enjoy watching great players play against other great players at all levels. Recently, I have picked up learning, enjoying, and perfecting playing golf. However, my favorite sports still remains with my love for baseball. Overall, I could not be more happy with the opportunity to remain in the community in which has held great value to me.

Contact Information
