
Welcome to Kindergarten's Internet Safety Page!

Week 1: Media Balance is Important- How do we find a happy balance between our online and offline activities?  

Week 2: Faux Paw Games

Spending excessive time with media robs students of real world experiences and may result in lower grades. Students will learn from Faux Paw’s experience just how detrimental it can be when online games interfere with real‐life goals, and will better understand why it’s important to stay balanced.

Week 3: Pause for the People- How do you say goodbye to technology when you don't want to? 

Week 4: Bad Netiquette Stinks- What are bad manners online? 

Week 5: Safety in my online community-  How do you go places safely online? 

Week 6: Faux Paw Keep it Private - What kinds of information do I share or not share online with others? 


Week 1: Keep it Private- What kinds of information do I share or not share with others?

Terms: Private and Username

Faux Paw Video 

Video Link 



Scholastic's The Stacks


Week 2: Going Places Safely Online- How do I go places safely on the computer?

Terms: Internet, Online and Website

Video Link 

Websites to Explore:

Museum of Modern Art 

San Diego Zoo 

Week 3: My Creative Work- How can you give credit to your own creative work?

Term: Credit, Original, Publish

Website to Explore:


Week 4: Sending E-Mail -How do you connect with others through email?

Terms: Message, Internet

Don't Open that File 

Week 5: Faux Paw Goes to the Games: Balancing Real Life with Screen Time

Spending excessive time with media robs students of real world experiences and may result in lower grades. Students will learn from Faux Paw’s experience just how detrimental it can be when online games interfere with real‐life goals, and will better understand why it’s important to stay balanced.

Check out this website: Cybersafety

Week 6: Bad Netiquette Stinks- What are bad manners online?

Video: Bad Netiquette Stinks 

Week 7: Beat the Tricks! Don't fall for these tricks!

Video: Beat the Tricks!

Week 8: UYN The Password Rap

Why are passwords so important?

Week 9- Life before the Internet

What was it like before the internet?

Week 10: Last Week! Choose from any the websites from the library's homepage under Internet Safety.