Some Useful links & Resources

We are having virtual meetings every 1 or 2 weeks 

on fridays, during the semesters.

To participate, join our e-mail list 

(go to Join us! tab at the top). We send regular e-mails about it.

explore the RECORDINGS of previous meetings in our YouTube site.

COVID-19 critical moments in early 2020:

During March 20 - May 22, the TYC physics community had weekly zoom meetings to share ideas and resources sparked by the sudden transition to remote teaching. Below you will find a link to what was shared.

SHARED LABS (this lab compilation is continuously on)

Send your suggestions of links/resources to be added to this page to the current CPTYC chair.

Disclaimer: this is just a SHORT compilation of some essential links. It is NOT meant to be complete, as that would not be feasible for us to maintain. There are other organizations (ComPADRE, PhysPort, etc) that are focused on collecting more complete lists of resources. The lists below relate to the essential/favorites of the TYC community.

Keep these links!

MORE BELOW organized in lists! Click on the drop-down menus to expand!


Open sources textbooks shared during TYC meetings:


Do-it-at-home lab ideas

Using cell phone apps: 

iOLabs (rental).


Please also look at the SHARED LABS link.


Please also check other Astronomy related posts under "Resources shared during zoom meetings", and once inside that link, also check "Shared labs". 

Tools for remote teaching (apps with tools, LMS/CMS, etc)

TYC physics in the news