Committee on Physics in Two-Year Colleges


The AAPT has charged the Committee on Physics in Two Year Colleges to:

These pages detail the committee's efforts to sustain the network formed by  the "Two Year Colleges in the 21st century"  (TYC21) program funded by the AAPT. You will find information about the TYC21 program,  other funded TYC programs, as well as other information on  issues we as physics teachers and AAPT members are dealing with.

Meetings of the committee are held during national AAPT meetings and are open to all. Come participate in making two year colleges better places to learn and teach physics. You can share concerns and ideas related to physics instruction at two year colleges via our committee  please visit our join-us page for contact information.

Credits: The material found on these pages is courtesy of their authors, the AAPT-CPTYC , the AAPT and the American Institute of Physics (AIP).  Most of the content on this web-site was originally put together by William Waggoner. Your comments/critiques are welcome. Please send comments and any material you might want displayed here to the current CPTYC Chair.