Choir Camp

Skyline High School Choir Camp @ Interlochen 

August 13th - 19th, 2024

Bulletin #1 - Registration Information

Skyline High School’s annual Choir Camp will be held at the world famous National Music Camp at Interlochen, Michigan, August 13-19 with orientation August 12, 2024. As is tradition in the Ann Arbor Public School district, Skyline vocal music students will have seven days of choral music activities with the advantages of the outstanding facilities of the National Music Camp. It will be a wonderful opportunity for students to work together with the director to get the musical school year off to a good start and to set the bar high for continuing development of the vocal music program at Skyline. 

It is expected that each vocal music student attend Choir Camp. The benefits of participating in Choir Camp are immense and it will be a wonderful event for all students. The past few years of camp were incredible! Skyline Choir Camp provides meaningful experiences, teaches essential concert and musicianship skills, gives students a chance to get a head’s start on some of the year’s repertoire, prepares students to perform for an audience, affords opportunities to learn from exceptional directors and instructors, teaches the basic skills needed to succeed in Skyline’s music programs, and allows students to begin to build the fundamental skills that will be invaluable to them as they progress through their years in Skyline choirs.   

Choir Camp is a significant part of each year in the Skyline vocal music program and is an ideal way for all choir students to make new friends each and every year. The Choir Camp experience enables Skyline choir students to form lasting relationships with fellow students before school begins, making their transition into high school much less intimidating. When a 9th grade choir student walks into Skyline on the first day of school, they will already know many other students, many of whom will share some of the same classes and schedules.  Right away, students feel at home both in the choir program and at Skyline High School. In addition, Skyline choir students will have the chance to share their Choir Camp experiences with Skyline band and orchestra students.

ELIGIBILITY: It is expected that anyone enrolled in a Skyline High School vocal music class attend Choir Camp. All singers enrolled in 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade choirs for 2024-2025 school year are invited to attend Choir Camp. Please be sure to get your forms and payment in as soon as possible in order to reserve your spot at choir camp 2024.

CAMP DATES: Tuesday August 13 through Monday, August  19, 2024 with mandatory in-person orientation check-in on August 12, 2024 between 3:00-5:00PM at Skyline AND a mandatory parent/guardian/student camp meeting at 6:00PM on zoom.

STAFF: The conductor of the Skyline High School choral groups, other professional educators, AAPS nurse, and carefully chosen college students (many are Skyline Choir Alumni) will serve as staff.

TRANSPORTATION: We travel to and from Interlochen by commercial charter bus. No student is permitted to drive themselves.

CONCERT: All Skyline and Huron ensembles, Sunday 1:30p.m. - Kresge Auditorium 

* Parents and families are welcome to attend!

COST: $500.00 per student ($525 if paid via PayPal). Camp fee may be paid by personal check, money order, or by credit card online (additional fee applies if paying by credit card). If a personal check is returned for insufficient funds, each family will be responsible for the bank fee and must pay the balance with money order. Cancellations may receive a refund minus the $100 deposit.

This fee includes: Charter bus transportation to and from camp, use of all camp facilities, meals, instruction, supervision, Choir Camp T-shirt, and medical facilities/personnel.

Things not included: Money for lunch at a fast food restaurant on the way to and returning from camp, soft-serve ice cream at camp from the Melody Freeze, and souvenirs from the gift shop called the Scholarshop.

NEED-BASED SCHOLARSHIPS: Loans and partial scholarships are available for those who qualify. Contact Mrs. CieChanski. If you are interested in obtaining a scholarship, please submit a Skyline Friends of the Arts (SFA) financial assistance application explaining how much assistance you need. We want every singer to attend and will do what we can to help. 

Each year we have many needs for scholarships. If you are able to donate a scholarship in any amount to help a student attend choir camp, it would be very welcome and appreciated. Please make a separate check out to the Skyline Friends of the Arts (SFA) and put in the memo line: Scholarship for choir camp students. Thank you in advance for your help. 

SAMPLE SCHEDULE: The details of the week’s schedule have not been finalized. However, the week’s activities will include full choir rehearsals, sectionals, music theory/enrichment, social activities including a talent show, skit night, and dances, as well as a joint concert at the Kresge Auditorium on Sunday.

6:30 a.m. Reveille! Be outside for warm-ups by 6:32!

6:45 a.m. Dress for the day, Cabin Clean Up

7:15 a.m. Breakfast

8:00  a.m. Warm-up/Full Choir Rehearsal 

10:20 a.m. Break/walk to Rotunda

10:30 a.m. Sectional Rehearsal

12:00 p.m. Lunch

1:00 p.m. Theory/Sight Reading Class

2:45 p.m. Sectionals and/or Full Choir Rehearsal 

3:15 p.m. Free Time

5:15 p.m. Dinner

6:15-8:20 p.m. Full Choir Rehearsal 

8:30 p.m. Evening social activity

10:00 p.m. Cabin check, quiet time!

10:30 p.m. Lights out

EQUIPMENT & CLOTHING: You may bring one suitcase and one sleeping bag or bedroll. (We recommend twin size sheets and blankets. It is easier to adjust to temperature changes.) Wear shoes that are comfortable for walking and standing in rehearsal. 

Make sure everything is clearly marked with YOUR NAME and ANN ARBOR SKYLINE CHOIR and securely closed, tied and/or fastened. This is very important! Lots of suitcases and bedrolls look the same! 

Sample Packing List:


Sleeping bag or 3 blankets & sheets (twin size)

Sweater or light coat

Slacks or jeans




Wash cloth

Swim suit

Toothbrush & paste

Comfortable shoes


Aluminum/stainless steel water bottle


Sport shoes & socks


Sport shirts

Black dress shirt/polo/blouse

Black dress shoes & socks/hose

Black trousers/skirt

Skyline Blue accents for concert attire (i.e. Jewelry, scarves, headbands, shirt, etc.)

Soap & shampoo




Money for lunch on the way there and back and for the camp store (optional)

Shoes must be worn at all times on the bus and at camp.


Concert attire includes a black dress shirt (blouse, button down, polo) or a Skyline Blue dress shirt with black dress pants/long black skirt and black dress shoes (leggings are not dress pants! Knees must be covered) Skyline Blue accents may be worn. No T-shirts, jeans, or shorts are to be worn for performances.


Daily camp attire will consist of slacks, jeans, or shorts. Strapless tops and dresses are not permitted at Interlochen Music Camp and shirts must be worn at all times. Skyline School dress code applies. Please use good judgment when packing. Also, remember an aluminum water bottle and several pencils for rehearsal.

Choir Camp Procedures and Policies

**PENDING 2024 UPDATES AAPS ​​Interlochen Health and COVID Mitigation Plan 2022 - For Summer 2022, masking is optional for all students and anyone visiting the Interlochen campus.  We will follow AAPS current rules for masking: Wear a face mask on the bus and indoors when Washtenaw County is in the Red/High Level. Face masks are not required outdoors. Indoor masking requirements are based on the CDC’s community alert levels for Washtenaw County: Green (low) = masks are optional indoors, Yellow (medium) = masks are optional indoors , Red (high) = masks are required indoors.  AAPS is “Mask Friendly” because we know that some families/students are more comfortable continuing to mask, especially while indoors.

REGISTRATION due by May 24, 2024

Please read the information below carefully and submit your forms with your $100.00 deposit by Friday, May 24th, 2024 


Return the following asap to hold your place to attend camp this year. Space cannot be guaranteed for those registering after that date, however, please contact Mrs. CieChanski if you have missed the deadline as spots might still be available. You may turn paperwork and money in anytime before these deadlines. If you prefer to pay in full that is fine. Any other payment arrangements should be discussed with Mrs. CieChanski.

The Medical Form MUST be signed by a physician regardless of medication needs. Please contact Mrs. CieChanski ASAP if you have any questions about this. 

Forms may be emailed to:   OR

Mail any payments and forms to:

Skyline Choir Camp 2024 c/o Lyn CieChanski

2552 N. Maple

Ann Arbor, MI 48103 

SUMMER COMMUNICATIONS: Bulletin #2 will be emailed to all families in late June. It will include further detailed instructions about camp. All summer communications will be made via email. It is imperative that parents provide a working email address in order to receive further information about choir camp. All forms will be available on the Skyline Choir website as well. 

Choir Camp is going to be an incredible experience!  If you have ANY questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs. CieChanski at