English Language Arts

Link to Daily ELA Agendas

8th Grade ELA Daily Classroom Slides

Links to *Free* Online Full Texts of 8th Grade Book Titles:

The Giver (online full-text link): https://archive.org/details/TheGiverFullBook/page/n91

Diary of Anne Frank (online full-text link): https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/issa/wp-content/uploads/sites/1187/2014/12/The-Diary-of-Anne-Frank-Full-Text-1.pdf

The Outsiders (online full-text link): http://nisbah.com/summer_reading/the-outsiders_se_hinton.pdf

Content Consumption Logs:

This assignment is due every week on Monday! It is highly recommended that students read outside of school for approximately 25 minutes each day to keep the quality of these logs high-level, but I do accept reflections on any text that you read - both in and out of school. Paper copies are always available in my classroom. Here is an electronic link to the assignment:

Here's a few recommendations of some famous titles, and classics to read!

RI Test Instructions:

1. Click on this student link to the RI Test.

2. Click on the light-blue "Reading Inventory" icon.

3. Enter your username and password -->

RI username is: student ID number (6 digits)

RI password is: Google password from this year

*If your password from last year doesn't work, try the Nor$ or # one.

4. Click "Go on" and complete the test.

Research Essay Resource Links:

EasyBib Website Link: EasyBib Website (Create your Works Cited page!)

Help Page for MLA-Style Writing: Purdue OWL MLA-Style Guide