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New Look!

We're excited to let you know that our shiny, new, redesigned website is about to launch!

Don't worry, we'll still be at , but we'll look a little different, and be easier to navigate, especially on mobile devices.

We don't have an exact launch date, but keep checking in to see all the changes!

Play Reading Kickoff

There's still time to register for our first monthly Your Theatre, Your Town Play Reading Group! The meeting is THIS Friday, September 25 at 7:30PM. You can register HERE to get the Zoom link and information about Clybourne Park, theTony and Pulitzer award-winning play that is our selection for this month.

Can't wait to see you there!

A2CT is Getting Spooky!

We're joining forces with several other community theatre groups to create a safe, socially-distanced,drive-through Halloween event October30 &31!

This will be open to all interested performers, and ticket information should be up soon for those who want to enjoy.

Stay tuned for more details!

Join Us!

The A2CT Fundraising Committee is looking for YOU! We have a very active fundraising committee at A2CT and we are always looking for new members to join us. Now, more than ever, we are at a crossroads where we need to think out of the box about raising money to keep our theater, activities, rental office/studio space, and payroll on an even keel, while not being able to generate ticket revenue while theaters remain closed in Michigan.

Fundraising Committee looks at ways to keep finances rolling, be that special events, direct asks, crowdsourcing, merchandise, and other creative theater outlets. The committee meets the first Wednesday of every month at 6:30 (currently via Zoom) with chairperson Ron Baumanis.