Ways To Give

A2CT Relies on the community to support our mission. You can support A2CT through...

Your dollars help:

  • Purchase scripts, rights, and royalties for a show
  • Secure experienced and qualified show staff
  • Secure large and unique performance space(s)
  • Purchase materials for building and designing sets
  • Maintain props, costumes, and theatre space
  • Subsidize membership and class/workshop fees for underprivileged families.
  • Cover basic costs like, water, electricity, heat, and more...

Each Show Costs...

$1,000 in royalties for each play and $5,000 for each musical

$500-1,000 for costumes for each show

$3,500 or more per musical for musicians and music

$1,000 and dozens of volunteers to build each set

$1,200 in printing costs for posters and programs

$2,000 to produce Jr. Theatre productions-- offering very low prices for kids and adults

$3,000 for month's rent of our studio, office and shop

$200 to keep the phones on each month

$300 per month to keep the lights on and the saws buzzing

$2,000 (on average)to rent a theatre for performances

Now you can buy the things you need--including from Amazon & save money with exclusive iGive coupons and deals. A portion of each purchase benefits benefits A2CT!