Tuesday Troop - Tuesday - 7.15pm to 9.00pm
Thursday Troop - Thursday - 7.30pm to 9.00pm
Our two Scout Troops run separate active weekly programmes and regularly come together for joint activities and camps.
Both Troops accept members from our Cub Pack and new entrants who may not have been in Scouting before. With a good mix of boys and girls all new members are offered a warm welcome.
The young people have a big input to their activities and the leaders work to ensure the young people shape their Scouting - we call this #YouShape.
Our main aim is for the young people to have a great deal of fun, try out some new activities, experience some adventure and learn some skills along the way.
The active programme across the year sees a mix of weekly meetings, other activities and events together with a range of camps.
The programme provides the opportunity for the young people to work toward their Chief Scout's Gold Award, the highest Scout Award. This is achieved by completing 9 Challenge Badges where the young people learn new skills, participate in a range of activities learn some skills and undertaken challenges.
Young people also achieve Proficiency Badges for activities and skills and Staged badges for first aid, camping and hikes.
Things you'll find us doing:
Monopoly run
First Aid
Bird Box making
Mapping and Navigation
Night Hiking
Bush Tucker Trials
Car Mechanics
Survival Training
Chief Scout's Gold Award
Adventure Challenge
Photography Activity Badge