Wednesday - 6.45pm to 8.15pm
Our Cub Pack is a good mix of both boys and girls who take part in lots of different activities during their time in Cubs.
The pack is mainly filled from young people moving up from our Beaver section with limited places for new entrants.
Our programme provides the opportunity for the young people to work towards their Chief Scout’s Silver Award, which is the highest award they can gain in Cubs. This is achieved by completing 7 Challenge Badges along with 6 Activity or Staged Activity Badges.
There are 36 Activity badges, which are done through a mix of work at home and at our weekly meetings along with 14 different Staged Activity Badges which help the Cubs progress through their scouting experience.
We do rely on help from parents, grandparents and carers for some of our weekly meetings and camps due to the numbers in the pack. A scout DBS is needed if taking part in overnight experiences only.
Things you'll find us doing:
Short Hikes
First Aid
Water nights
Chief Scout's Silver Award
Challenge badges
Staged Badges