Mr. Taylor's Classes

Quarter 1: Strength and Conditioning, and Walking for success.

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Strength & Conditioning


Our Strength and Conditioning program is centered at developing sport specific athletes through ground based, multi-joint exercises, and speed, agility and quickness drills. The Program focuses on building a work hard mentality that will enable all athletes to succeed on the field.

Weight training philosophy:

  1. Our program is not a “quick Fix” program; every aspect of the program entails hard work, and dedication.

  2. All program aspects are based on triple extension, multi-joint exercises that focus on hip, knee, and ankle mobility.

  3. Injury Prevention.

  4. Strength improvement catered to sport specific movements.

  5. Power Improvement specific to quick twitch fibers, and sport specific movements.

  6. The weight program consists of 4 cycles (in-season, Transition, offseason, and Summer) throughout the whole year. Each phase is specific to metabolic training for each phase.

Conditioning (SAQ) training philosophy:

4th Quarter program

  1. All conditioning and SAQ work will be 100% sport specific, including all anaerobic principals associated with quick twitch conditioning.

  2. Speed training and proper sprint technique.

  3. Speed endurance

  4. Interval training (tabata)

  5. Plyometric training

  6. Hill training

  7. Sand Training

The Conditioning program is established for players to FINISH when they don’t feel like it. (4th quarter program)

Plan of Action

Phases of year round Training

  1. In-Season phase

    1. Pre-season Test and measurements.

    2. Focuses on players not losing any strength gained from the year.

    3. Utilizes power lifts, and Olympic lifts to have quick multi-joint workouts at 80-95% of max lifts in order to maintain strength.

    4. Focuses on flexibility, and range of motion mobility exercise for in season injury prevention.

  2. Transition Phase

    1. Allows for rest, and full range of motion rehabilitation to gain strength immediately back from the season.

    2. Gets Players into full motion through light reps quick movements.

    3. Gameplay through other sports.

  3. Off-season (mid year) Phase

    1. Dedicated to full strength, and power building.

    2. Mass building.

    3. Structured Mobility program for heavy lifting.

    4. Power exercises dedicated to triple extension.

    5. Has 3 Macro Cycles sequencing movements from pure strength to power and acceleration.

    6. Pre summer Test and measurements.

  4. Summer phase

    1. Metabolic conditioning specific to gameplay.

    2. Workout structure is specific to gameplay.

    3. Gameplay is introduced for more metabolic training.

    4. End of summer/preseason Test and Measurements,

*It should be noted that all players will be highly encouraged to play multiple sports. All workouts attended, and other sports played will be rewarded in a points system for the players that will reward them during august. (Pride Points)