
When I go into your child's classroom I ask, "What do you do to take a break?" I have pictures of clouds they are asked to draw a picture of what they do to take a break, then I ask them to share with their classmates. This is one of my absolute favorite lessons. Please take a moment and ask your child(ren) what they do and/or can do to take a break. I will provide a few sites you can access to help with your Mindfulness journey.

Just Breathe- even if you don't have a glitter jar, you can see it in this short video

Cosmic Kids Yoga- a variety of yoga activities for every age

Mind Yeti - provides mindfulness instruction and meditative scripts for a variety of moods and needs

Relaxing music- calming sounds, nature video

Guided Imagery - Last school year I did a lesson focusing on ways to relax, calm down, and handle stress. There are many sites you can find that will read a passage with hopes you will learn some new ways to relax. I encourage you to search "guided imagery for elementary students" and find one that works best for you, or click on the link I provided. If you want to have your child draw a picture of where the guided imagery took them, it is always fun to see what they come up with.

Butterfly Body Scan - In this video, you’ll use your imagination to boost your superpowers of focus and calm by relaxing each part of your body with the help of a magical butterfly.