Deleted Scene

The blazing sun shone through the windows of Liesel's house. It was a beautiful sunny day. The skies were painted a bright, lovely blue, and the sun was glowing like a fiery ball of fire in the sky, bringing the first hint of spring. Liesel lived in the suburbs of Sydney in a house numbered forty-four, as far away from Himmel Street as possible.

Many would take advantage of this time to go outside and enjoy the sunshine. However, Liesel was different. She was getting to a old age of 70. She could die any day, now. Unwilling to bring back the horrible memories of the demises, she sat in her rocking chair and rocked, back and forth, back and forth. Despite her efforts, she couldn't help but think of that kid with the lemon-colored hair and the silly smile. Staring into the walls of her home, she brought back memories of that day. The day with the same, gorgeous weather as today. The last day she heard that astonishing question coming out of his mouth. Oh, how she wished she had agreed...

It was the end of Rudy's soccer game. Their team had won with the score of three to one. I had gone with Mama and Papa to watched him play. That day after he had won, he looked around the field like he was searching for something. His glance reached the edges of the soccer field and spotted me. As soon as he had seen me, he smiled his foolish smile. His rounds eyes lit up. With his hair ruffling in the slight blowing wind, he continued to smile at me with this look in his eyes that said, "How about a kiss, Saumensch?" That day was the last and final time I heard his voice and saw his beautiful, gleaming smile.