Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Incoming Grade 9 (fall of 2024-25)

Last updated 6/5/24

1. What will the schedule look like? 

NEW AB Schedule for Fall 2024- last updated Fall 2023

Sheldon Bell Schedule - last updated Fall 2023

2. When are breaks and other no-school days? 

Eugene 4J Calendars

3. Can we take bags / backpacks into class?

Yes! Students are allowed to bring bags and backpacks to class.

4. Do we get lockers? When, how big are they, do we share them? 

5. What is the cell phone policy? 

Cell phones should be silenced and away during class, unless otherwise directed by the teacher.

6. Can 9th graders leave campus at lunch? What does that look like?

7. What are the differences between CN, AP, and IB classes? 

8. When should students check the Sheldon website for Fall Sports Registration?

10. What is the average class size for Grade 9 classes? 

12. If we choose a class now, but change our mind before September, what should we do?

When you forecast for a class, you are making an agreement to take that class.

Once you start at Sheldon, if you ever have any questions about your schedule, you can make an appointment with your counselor. Make an appointment online here.

Please do not make appointments while you are still in 8th grade.

Also, if there is an error in your schedule, we do have a course correction process at the beginning of each term: listen to the announcement at school for details.