Thursday September 7, 2023

Welcome to 6th grade Math students and parents!  Starting next week, the classes' online portal will be on the district-wide CANVAS system.  But until we have everybody up and running on that, I will host some of the introductory information here on my website.

At Resources you can find a link to the curriculum we will be using.  And where you can keep up with all the daily work. There are also some other online math programs I have set-up for students which I will cover later.

At Slides/Handouts you can watch the introductory slide show and look through the syllabus.  Thanks for checking in, I will have more information next week as we boot up CANVAS, I strive for great communication home, so everybody always knows what we are doing in Math!    Thanks - Mr. Kurlychek

Friday June 2, 2023

Nitrotype RaceTrack Link -

If you are taking part in the race login to Nitrotype and go to this race-track.

links for Monday September 19, 2022



CS First

For Robotics Download EV3 classroom and try it out

Computer Science for Tuesday September 13, 2022

Let's get our "Hour of Code" out of the way.

After you have completed those, you can go back to

and maybe some people can show off some products they have made from scratch.

Computer Science for Monday September 12, 2022

The links you need for CS today are here.

Get the hang of step-by-step directions and the thinking you need to do in coding with these puzzles.

After you have completed those, you can go back to

and maybe some people can show off some products they have made from scratch.

Robotics links for Monday September 12, 2022

Those not interested in being on the FLL team, here is the link for the gear assembly instructions.

If we still need to finish constructing the First Lego League sets -

Thursday September 2, 2021

Welcome to what we hope will be a normal year at ATA.  Most things will still be done on Canvas even after we are back in the building.  So I may be retiring this page officially.  See you soon.

Monday September 22, 2020

Another year at ATA.  I won't be updating this site much, since everything will be on canvas now.  I hope we get back to school in person soon!

Monday April 6, 2020

We're starting distance learning! From here on out, everything new will be put on the G-Classroom site. will still be here for review purposes but make sure you are regularly checking up on G-Class.  This week we are doing the year in review, so scroll down to find all the old activities that will help out.  Remember the "Resources" tab, it has links to the Online Textbook, the Dreambox math program, and other support sites you may want to use.  Thanks.

Sixth grade students and families. I hope you’ve been staying healthy and enjoying your time off as best you can considering the strange circumstances we find ourselves in.  Today teachers met with administration about how we will move forward with online learning. Lessons will not officially start until next Monday, and for the first few weeks at least, will primarily be focused on strengthening and extending material we have already visited this year.

The two online services the district will primarily be using to connect with 6-12 grade students are Google Classroom and ZOOM meetings.  I have sent invites to all students to sign in to my Google Classroom, they should be able to accept them by logging into their studentvue account and school email.  The sixth grade team will meet this week to sort out a schedule for lessons and other logistics. The district is working this week to get technology and services out to families that don’t have online access.


Until then, there is an optional opportunity for students to get back into the groove with the online Dreambox Math learning portal.  Many of the kids may be familiar with it from elementary. It features an adaptive curriculum that students independently work through.  It can be played from a browser, or you can download an app to run it if you have an ipad. The ATA login URL is :

In an iPad you need to put in the school code: q22w/uqq3.  I emailed usernames and password details to each student 1 by 1, so check your inbox for that.   Again, this is a resource that the district has subscribed to which I encourage students to use, but until we have gotten the technology out to everybody and we are formally beginning lessons and assignments, Dreambox is optional independent extra practice.

I will be checking back in with you soon with more news as I get it.  I look forward to getting things up and running again soon, one way or another.

While the schools are closed, why not review some of the activities on this site so you can learn while at home!  There isn't much else to do after-all.  There are several learning sites offering free accounts during this time.  You can also drop me an email if you want me to set-up your kid with an on-line account with the sites on the resources page. I have a teacher account with many other sites as well.  Hope to see you again soon.

After you are done with the quiz try and run a profit-making business, a lemonade stand.

Extra Tools for tonight's homework

Virtual Fraction Strips

Virtual Pattern Blocks

Setup an account with Prodigy. Follow the link, click on "New Student." Enter my class code - ACFF27. Use first name, last initial for your user name, and don't forget the password you choose.

If you are reading this, it means you did today's homework!.  Write down the secret word "LEGO" in the Math box in your planner.  Point to it when I come around to check and I will give you a special treat. Don't reveal the secret word to anyone but me.

Students, welcome to the new school year! Thanks for stopping by my site. You won't need much as far as supplies, just a few things, but you will need them every day! You will just need to bring your pencil and your brain, I'll provide everything else. So get lots of pencils and keep a backup stash in your locker! (Students will also need to bring their planner/pack-card to every class, but we'll talk all about that during the first few days)

Remind your parents to get you a comp book which will stay in the classroom. You will also need similar small composition books for Science, Language Arts and Social Studies. If parents want to donate extra pencils, eraser caps, graph paper, white-board markers, comp books to the cause they are always needed.

Parents, also please make sure your e-mail information with the school is correct. Every day I will be sending out a message about what we are doing and attaching homework.  Email is generally the best way to get a hold of me. Thanks.  At least once a week during the school year I will put up helpful links on this page related to the work we are doing in class.

If you are looking for last year's 6th grade math links I have moved them to this spot on my site. I also have a page of 7th grade links which might help you get a jump start. Keep moving up the math ladder and have a great time across the hall in the upcoming school year!