The SS Athenia

As she walked across the ship to the dining hall, Belle took a brief moment to look through the window and gaze out across the shimmering sea. As she looked about, she thought she noticed a small metal object looming about, but dismissed it as just her eyes or maybe a bird. She resumed her journey to the dining hall to meet with her husband. 

She walked through the doors her eyes jetted around, looking for where he was seated. She was about to walk over to him when a large explosion detonated, sending tremors like an earthquake through the thick steel of the ship's hull. 

Moments later a second explosion rattled their very soul as the ship begin lurching to one side. The couple got to their feet as alarms were blaring in every direction. The captain announced to everyone that they would need to get to the lifeboats, trying frantically to keep everyone calm, but calm was now a distant dream, sunken down deep below the waves. 

Belle grabbed her husband and they rushed to the lifeboats with tears of fear in their eyes, but before they could get on the lifeboat, one of the ship's personnel said that her husband would have to stay behind until all of the women and children were safe on lifeboats. If you could call being on a small wooden raft in the middle of the ocean safe. 

She sobbed as she didn't want to leave him behind but there was nothing she could do as her lifeboat was lowered into the water and floated away. She continued sobbing as the smell of the ocean pierced her nose and vomit filled the air from both sea sickness and pure fear that whatever sunk the ship would come back to finish the job. Fear that they would not survive this ordeal. 

The boat rocked back and forth with the waves that battered against the boat like an unwavering intruder. She tried to sleep but it was no use. She waited and waited for a rescue boat to come, but she was out in the open ocean for 12 hours until help finally arrived. She was almost passed out when that help finally came.

She was being helped up onto the rescue boat and immediately collapsed onto the deck, unable to keep herself awake and upright anymore. When she woke up, she was in a cot and tried to jolt herself up, but her body still wouldn't let her. A doctor rushed over and told her to keep her movement down as she needed to heal. Belle inquired about her husband and wanted to know if he was safe. She started rambling about what happened on the boat but the nurse calmed her down and said she would look around and left. About 20 minutes later her husband walked into the room and they embraced after 12 hours of torment.