
Flames of Youth

Fire burns on raw flesh 

Screams of innocence flourish 

Escape is absent

No knowledge from life inside

Tragic endings remain lost

Sounds of the Wind

The wind carries many sounds

Each one all but a whisper

From a direction of its choosing 

The sounds tend to differ

The grass blows with the wind

Creating many sounds

Carried on afar 

They're heard all around

Sounds from a town

Are traveled through the wind

Some days are louder than others 

But not as loud within

The wind carries many sounds 

All of which distinct

They come from all around

Though each one is linked

A Man's Loss

Grief swallowed the poor man’s loss

His body lays forlorn at night

His bed is empty

The room is endlessly dark

Not a whisper can be heard

Not a sound but his own anymore

His warmth’s ghost wanders

Away with his passion filled past