Parent Resources

Here are some important resources parents might find helpful:

Digital Citizenship

Common Sense Media is a non-profit organization that provides education and advocacy to families to promote safe technology and media for children. It is a great resource for parents and educators!

Common Sense Media's Family Media Agreement

Media A healthy media diet balances three things: what kids do, how much time they spend doing it, and whether their content choices are age-appropriate. Mixing media and tech time with other activities will help families find that happy medium. Use our Family Media Agreement and Device Contract to set realistic rules that make sense for your family so you and your kids can make the most out of media and tech time.

Common Sense Tech Balance Text Program

Receive free text message tips about how to practice healthy media habits at home with your family! Geared toward parents of 3-8 year old children.

Family Digital Citizen Tips- Click on the links below to get helpful tips on popular digital citizenship topics.

Media Balance & Well-Being , Privacy & Security, Digital Footprint & Identity Relationships & Communication, Cyberbullying, Digital Drama, & Hate Speech, News & Media Literacy

Cyberbullying provides information from various government agencies on bullying and cyberbullying; including how to prevent and respond to bullying.

Social Media

The National Cyber Security Alliance provides resources for using the Internet safely and securely.

Be Internet Awesome

Google's Be Internet Awesome offers resources for staying safe online. The website has fun, educational games too!

Copyright Information

This website provides guidance on the importance of copyright law and policy. Students should use NoodleTools to help create citations and avoid plagiarism (link in Student Resources tab).