Three Village Central School District

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The mission of the Three Village Central School District Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee is to foster inclusivity, value diversity, and promote equity in our school community. As a district, we are committed to addressing and dismantling discriminatory treatment, unfair policies and biased practices based on race, gender, religion, ability and/or sexuality. We will cultivate, acknowledge, celebrate and honor the cultural differences of our students, staff, parents and community members. We do this with respect, self-awareness, authentic engagement, and a willingness to learn from one another.

Civic Seal Of Readiness

Civic Education operates through two elements of learning, Civic Knowledge and Civic Participation. Through Civic Knowledge, students learn how to demonstrate respect for the rights of others, respectfully disagree with other viewpoints, and provide evidence for a counterargument. Civic Education can strengthen the relationships of schools and students with parents, families, civic leaders, and organizations, and community partners.

School District Events 2021-2022

UNITY DAY, October 2021

Every year on the third or fourth Wednesday in October, a very special event comes around — the Day of Unity, or Unity Day, as it is commonly called, which is celebrated on October 19 this year. This is the signature event of National Bullying Prevention Month, also celebrated in October. Multiple anti-bullying campaigns — of which Unity Day is one of them, are organized during this period. The key message of this month, and this day, is to unite for kindness, courage, and inclusion, to prevent students from being bullied.

On February 1st, the Ward Melville Muslim Students Association celebrated National Hijab Day. Ward Melville students, teachers, and faculty were invited to participate in the event which took place in The Nook. All participants were able to ask questions and learn about the hijab. Members of the club also helped participants try on a hijab themselves.

National Hijab Day was founded by Namza Khan in 2013 to combat islamophobia and foster religious tolerance. The holiday celebrates all Muslim women who wear the hijab and encourages women of all backgrounds to try it on.

Diversity Club's Multicultural Poster Project

Students from the WMHS community were invited to create a poster that celebrates diversity. These posters are now displayed in the world languages hallway!