
Mokapu Elementary School follows a behavior plan based on Vision Management, a step-by-step discipline and academic motivation plan that creates campus-wide consistency. Basic expectations are as follows:

  • Be in seats, ready to work

  • Use materials appropriately

  • Keep hands, feet, body and objects to self

  • Speak kindly

  • Follow directions

All students are encouraged and rewarded for exhibiting behavior consistent with the DOE's General Learner Outcomes.

Consequences for not following these expectations:

  • Warnings given

  • Refocus Area (a positive place for students to think about making better decisions)

  • Should students continue to have issues after refocusing and discussions with the teacher, they may be asked to go to the Buddy Room (this is a place for students to further consider making positive decisions and gives them the chance for a change of environment for a short period of time)

  • Students who are still having problems may be referred to our administration or a counselor as dictated by our behavior management protocol. Students who harm themselves or others are referred directly to an administrator.

Positive Reward Systems:

  • Classes that work well together with few interruptions receive a "rock star" for each lab. When they have gotten five stars, the class is provided with extra free time, centers or other positive rewards.

  • Individual students who show excellent participation aligned with the DOEs General Learner Outcomes may receive certificates or other rewards.

  • Our school also follows a PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) System that focuses on monthly IMUA values. IMUA means "to move forward" and students have the opportunity to earn IMUA tickets to redeem for ice pops.

Throughout the campus, teacher and supervisors focus on positive reinforcement of values consistent with our school's mission, to prepare students to become resilient, life-long learners and responsible global citizens. Our school's vision motivates us to provide a safe and happy learning environment for all students: