Video Editing in Panopto: Knowledge Checks

A useful feature that can be added within videos are knowledge checks, which can help reinforce important material covered in the lecture. Panopto calls these quizzes, and they are easy to add.

Please watch the following tutorial on how to add knowledge checks to your videos.

Step 1: Insert Knowledge Check at selected time

To add a knowledge check, select in the timeline the point-in-time you wish to add the "quiz".

  • Click the plus button, then select Add a quiz.

Step 2: Add question

Within the quiz creator, you can change the type of question using the dropdown on the right.

  • Fill in the desired questions along with the answers.

  • If desired, you can add multiple questions within a single quiz.

  • Once finished, click Done.

Step 3: Final touches

The next screen gives additional options that you may choose to enable.

  • When complete, click Finish.

  • The quiz will now appear at the chosen point in time during playback.