Video Editing in Panopto: Chapter Markers

A useful feature to incorporate in videos are chapter markers. These markers can help facilitate a more streamlined video experience for students, as they allow viewers to jump to specific parts of the video instantly.

Please watch the following tutorial on how to add chapter markers.

Smart Chapters

Chapters can be auto generated using the Smart Chapters feature under the contents option.

  • Smart Chapters are created based on slide-advancements in PowerPoint, but can sometimes be inaccurate.

    • To modify an existing Smart Chapter, click the 3-dots to the right of the marker. From here, you can rename the marker, change the placement, or delete it completely.

Manually adding chapter markers

  • To add a chapter marker, advance to the point-in-time in the video you wish to make your marker.

  • Type in the desired title, then hit enter.

  • A marker will appear in the list, and will designate a point-in-time for viewers to navigate to directly.