The Message

Grace Beyond Humanity is a play that tries to understand the Scripture of "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us" (Matthew 6:12). Throughout the journey of writing this play, the author kept coming across the underlying theme of "grace" and how it pertains to today's world.

He began by asking these questions:

  • How do we forgive someone who hurt us?
  • Is there any point to extending grace to someone who doesn't want to receive it?
  • Can giving grace to someone who doesn't want to receive it change their heart for Christ?
  • Are forgiveness and trusting the same thing?

In the Bible, Paul states that we are to "get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice” (Ephesians 4:31)", but, how do we do that when the offender is out there hurting others? How can we get rid of our pain while they continue to abuse, hurt or even destroy us? Is forgiveness approval, justification, pardoning, or reconciliation? Or is it choosing to "keep no record of wrongs", being merciful, showing grace, not being bitter, and forgiving ourselves. When people wanted to punish the adulteress Mary Magdalene by throwing stones at her, Jesus responded by saying "If any of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her" (John 8:7). Does that mean that I should forget if someone killed or hurt my wife? Jesus says, "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you" (Matthew 7:1-2). We realize we’re not suppose to "play God", but we also are afraid that if we forgive someone the offender will go unpunished and hurt other people. Is it not our responsibility to make sure the offender "pays" for their actions so that they don't continue hurting others?

These questions and more are dealt with in Grace Beyond Humanity, a play that is based on true stories from victims and offenders. There were stories like a father who has forgiven his son for murdering his whole family; a woman who was shot in the face at point blank range by her husband lived and decided that it was better to forgive him than live with rage that was infecting her soul; a wife, whose husband had multiple affairs, murdered one of his mistresses, and she chose to reconcile with her husband instead of divorce. How is that possible? Is this really what forgiveness is? If I can't do that, am I not forgiving? Couple this with stories of others who have not forgiven, real life experiences, and a fictional story…and you have Grace Beyond Humanity.

The Plot

Our main character David is not someone you are meant to like. He is an alcoholic that has spent 19 years in prison and has come out feeling mistreated by the justice system. Getting out on parole, David moves to the small quiet town of Oak Hill, West Virginia to live with his sister Ginger. You soon see, however, that he has not changed his drinking or his behavior. To make matters worse, his estranged daughter Naomi hears of his parole and moves into the same small town, determined to do anything to get him back to prison. In the center of this story is Joseph, an Elder at Oak Hill Christian Church who is a simple man that loves the Lord. Regardless of the possibility of losing his place in the church, his business and even his standing in the community, Joseph reaches out to David in love and shows him the grace that God has given us all.