
Conference programme

The conference abstract booklet is now available!

For guidelines for papers/posters, scroll to the bottom of this page.

Half-day experimental archaeology session (YEAR Centre)

We’re pleased to offer a half-day experimental archaeology session as part of UHO 2019.

The YEAR (York Experimental Archaeological Research) Centre has an outdoor workspace located on the university campus. Nestled in amongst a grove of protected trees adjacent to the lake, warm yourself by the fireside and join us to get hands-on practical experience of experimental techniques!

Date: Sunday 17th February 2019

Time: 9am-12:30pm

Place: YEAR Centre, University of York Campus West

Price: £10 per person (including tea/coffee)

To register for this session, click here. Please note, places are limited and are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

To find out more about the YEAR centre, please visit their website and student run blog:

Keynote speakers

Our keynote speakers will be Dr Chantal Conneller from the University of Newcastle, and Dr Beccy Scott from the British Museum. They will be speaking on the Friday evening, and this will be followed by a drinks reception.

Poster session

Date: Saturday 16th February

Place: The Treehouse (Berrick Saul Building, Humanities Research Centre)

Student opportunities

We are pleased to offer two lunchtime talks aimed at students and early career researchers:

Friday: Antiquity - How to Get Published in a Peer-Reviewed Journal

Saturday: Dr Donald Henson - Communicating with Non-Academic Audiences

These talks will be held in the Humanities Research Centre's Bowland Auditorium, and are open to all.

Conference poet

UHO2019 will be welcoming poet Paul Mills to the conference! Paul has written poetry on human evolution and the Palaeolithic, and will be available throughout the conference to discuss both his work and yours.

Have a look at some of his work here. For more information, check out his website.

Guidelines for papers

All papers must be no longer than 15 minutes. You will have 5 minutes at the end of your paper to answer questions from the audience. You are welcome to email the presentation to the conference team prior to the conference - however, if you decide to do this, please ensure that you have emailed your presentation before Wednesday 13th February. Alternatively, you can bring the presentation on a USB stick.

Please make sure that your presentation is Windows compatible!

Guidelines for posters

Posters must be no larger than A1 and in portrait orientation. Please ensure that you have your poster with you and ready to put up on the poster boards first thing on Saturday morning.

If you're presenting a poster but are unable to attend the conference in person, we ask that you send the poster to the University of York's PalaeoHub, to arrive at least a week before the conference. The address is PalaeoHub, Wentworth Way, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, UK.