Inclusion and accessibility

UHO 2019 aims to be as inclusive and accessible as possible. If you have any suggestions or requests that would make the conference more accessible for you, please get in touch at

The University of York is committed to promoting equality and­ diversity for all its staff and students. Whilst attendees will not be enrolled at or employed by the university, we wish for all to respect the University of York's equality and diversity policies.

We also embrace many of the recommendations of The Inclusive Archaeology Project.

If you have any problems accessing information or materials on this website, the conference team are happy to help. Please contact us at or @PalaeoHub.

Specific requirements

If you have any questions about accessibility or specific support requirements, feel free to contact the conference team:

Venue accessibility

The venue is fully wheelchair accessible. The access handbook for the Berrick Saul Building is available online. Please also see travel and parking information for disabled visitors.

Hearing loops

The Bowland Auditorium is equipped with hearing loops.

Quiet space

Room BS/007 (Jane Moody Boardroom) will be available from 11am on Friday and all day Saturday. Please feel free to use this room as a quiet, calm space to rest and reflect.

Harassment-free conference

UHO2019 is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone. Please see our conference policy, which includes an anonymous form for reporting harassment.

Live tweeting

Join and follow the discussion online using the conference feed #UHO2019.

Sponsored registration

Whilst we have striven to keep costs as low as possible, we understand that registration fees can be difficult to afford. If you are able to sponsor a conference fee for someone else, please do get in touch: