District Chromebooks


If programs like Lexia, Dreambox, or Zoom are being buggy, it often helps to clear your browser data. It takes about 2 minutes total and can be done as often as needed.

  1. Sign into the Chromebook and open the Google Chrome Browser

  2. Click on the 3 little dots in the top right-hand corner, aka the "meatballs"

  3. On the side menu select PRIVACY AND SECURITY


  5. In pop-up window select the ADVANCED tab; in the time pull-down menu select ALL TIME; select 2 boxes - COOKIES and CACHE (make sure all other boxes are unchecked)

  6. Select the blue CLEAR DATA button.

  7. Log out and restart Chromebook


WUSD Chromebook users! ContentKeeper is a web filter that helps your tech team to keep your kiddos' internet access safe both on and off campus. After connecting your WUSD Chromebook to your home network or a hotspot, and logging into the Chromebook, ContentKeeper will L..O..A..D...
And it feels like it's taking FOREVER!
But the reality is that it takes about 45 seconds for it to load. It just seems like forever!đŸ˜‚
NO NEED to log in to ContentKeeper. It pulls student log in info in automatically.
This video starts after logging into a student account on my home Wi-Fi network and watching ContentKeeper loading. Notice that after about 45 seconds I clicked the HOME button to get to the apps portal because I'm impatient... once you see the ContentKeeper log in page you can either WAIT for it to finish OR, if you are impatient like me, you can click on the HOME button to move it along. Christy

CB Take-Home Policy & Signature (English).pdf

Chromebook Take-Home Policy - English

Created by: Ed Services & Technology Depts

CB Take-Home Policy & Signature (Spanish).pdf

Chromebook Take-Home Policy - Spanish

WUSD Log-in At Home

Logging into District Chromebook from Home

Created by: Christy Jourdan, D.O.