Drones '22

Transform your Autobot into a different vehicle. You must fly into the forcefield, hover over the vehicle and fly out of the forcefield.

Fly into 1 forcefield = 10 pts

Hover over the vehicle for 5 seconds = 5 pts

Fly out of the forcefield= 5 pts

Do this again with the second forcefield for the same points.

Total points possible = 40

Civilians have been trapped in a mine! Help them get to safety by traveling through the collapsing mine, land on the target, and travel back out of the collapsing mine.

Travel partially into the collapsing mine = 10 pts

Travel all the way through the collapsing mine = 15 pts

Touch down on the target = 5 pts

Lift off from the target = 5 pts

Travel back through the mine to deliver the civilian's home = 15 pts

Total possible points possible = 40 pts

Collect Energon from the mountain tops by knocking them off. Return to base between each Energon collection.

Collect Energon (knock if off the mountain) = 5 pts each mountain

Return to base = 5 pts after collecting Energon at each mountain

Get all three in one program = 40 pts

Total points possible = 40 pts

Check out a few of the previous Drone challenges to learn more about the Coding in Action Drone rotation.

Drone 2019 Drone 2020