5th Grade

Expectations: I meet with all Kindergarten classes once a week for 30 minutes. I request that students only watch one video a week and if time does not allow for it that is ok. The most important thing is to take care of yourself and family!


I would like all students use the check in link once a week. I look forward to hearing how everyone is doing.

My Secret Bully


Self Esteem- Dice Activity

April 27-May 1

Hi Everyone! I hope that everyone is doing well! If time allows please try the activity below! All you need is a dice and the list to your left.....


The title of the activity is Self-Esteem - Dice Activity. Self-esteem means what we think and feel about ourselves. If you have time this week try and play the dice game. Shake one dice and then answer the question honestly. If you can play with members of your family it may start great conversation! The questions that are asked are ones that will get you thinking about how you feel about who you are and unfortunately how sometimes we allow other people's statements and feelings interfere with how we see ourselves.