2nd Grade

Expectations: I meet with all 2nd Grade classes once a week for 30 minutes. I request that students only watch one video a week and if time does not allow for it that is ok. The most important thing is to take care of yourself and family!

The next couple weeks I want everyone to take a moment and practice some relaxation techniques! I have 3 videos that will be beneficial for all students to start practicing. Stay well and do your best to relax!

Breathing and Stretching

Brain Break

Calming Activity

May 4-May 8

Read Aloud: The Good Egg

By: Jory John
This book is about an egg who leaves his carton when he is unable to control the other eggs around him. This book is a great lesson about what we are able to control and what we are not. While reading this book please make note of the things that he has control over and those things that makes the egg mad that he is unable to control. In our current situation what do you have control of? What things are outside of your control?
In Your Control: What you eat, how much sleep you get, how much exercise you getOutside of your control: Ir your brothers or sister fight, having to stay at home, if your parents are working, having to do school on a computer

The Juice Box Bully

Week of March 23-27

Please try and answer these questions while you are listening to the book.

What was the promise:

Did the new student agree with the rules at first?

What mean things did Pete do?

Why did Ruby get mad?

Why did Pete have a hard time at his new school?

No need to turn them in, they are just here for discussion questions.

March 30-April 3

I hope everyone is doing well and hanging in there. I do not want to add to anyone's stress, so I will be asking students just to listen to a book every week that has a message that is important to the social emotional development of our students.

This week I would like all students to listen to Enemy Pie by Derek Munson. The book is about a boy who was super excited about having a great summer until Jeremy Ross moved into his neighborhood. Please enjoy this book focusing on how Jeremy went from being the worst enemy to a friend.

April 14- April 24

I hope everyone had a great Spring Break. 2nd grade does not have Guidance this week. So for next week I ask that they watch the The Recess Queen by Alexis O'neill.

April 27- May 1

We are going to continue our Bully book series with a great one from Julia Cook, Bully Beans. If you have time please listen to this read a loud that address' bully behaviors that we all should avoid and how to speak up when it happens to you!