General Forth Alphabetical Wordlist-1

Non-Floating Point Words (F83 standart words)


!  ( n adr  -- )
    Stores a number at adr

!csp  ( -- )
    Remembers the stack pointer


"  ( -- adr len )    ccc"
   Collects a string from the input stream

"" ( -- adr )    ccc
   Collects a word from the input stream

",  ( adr len -- )
   Places a string at the top of the dictionary

".  ( adr -- )
   Displays a packed string.  Equivalent to COUNT TYPE

"chdir  ( string -- )
   Changes to the directory whose name is the packed string "string"

"command  ( string --  )
   Executes the system command line contained in the packed string "string"

"compile  ( string -- )
   Compiles or interprets a word

"copy  ( fromadr toadr -- )
   Copies a packed string from fromadr to toadr

"create  ( str -- )
   Defines a word from a string on the stack

"load  ( filename -- )
   Interprets the file whose name is the packed string on the stack

"temp  ( -- str )
   Converts a digit in pictured numeric output


#>  ( l  --  adr +n )
   Ends pictured numeric output

#align  ( -- n )
   The alignment granularity for the cpu; 2 for 68000

#line  ( -- adr )
   User variable containing the line number on the output device

#out  ( -- adr )
   User variable containing the column number on the output device

#s  ( +l  --  0  )
   Converts the rest of the digits in pictured numeric output

#threads  ( -- n )
   The number of threads used by the dictionary hashing scheme

#tib  ( -- adr )
   Size of Terminal Input Buffer

#user  ( -- n )
   The first unused USER area offset

#vocs  ( -- n )
   The number of vocabularies that can be in the search order at one time




'  ( -- acf )    name
   Finds a word in the dictionary

'user#  ( -- user# )    name
   Finds the user number associated with the word if there is one

'word  ( -- adr )
   The address where WORD puts its string


(  ( -- )
   Begins a comment

(")  ( -- adr len )
   Run-time word compiled by "

("s)  ( -- adr )
   Run-time word compiled by [""]

(')  ( -- acf )
   Run-time word compiled by [']

(+loop)  ( n -- )
   Run-time word compiled by +LOOP

(.")  ( -- )
   Run-time word compiled by ."

(.)  ( n -- adr len )
   Converts a signed number to a character string

(.s  ( -- )
   Displays the contents of the data stack

(;code)  ( -- )
   Run-time word compiled by ;CODE and DOES>

(?do)  ( end start -- )
   Run-time word compiled by ?DO

(abort")  ( flag -- )
   Run-time word compiled by ABORT"

(compile)  ( acf -- )
   Compiles a compilation address into the dictionary

(do)  ( end start -- )
   Run-time word compiled by DO

(does)  ( -- )
   Run-time word compiled by DOES>

(interpret  ( -- )
   The Default implementation of INTERPRET

(is)  ( action-acf -- )
   Run-time word compiled by IS

(lit)  ( -- n )
   Run-time word compiled by DO-LITERAL

(llit)  ( -- l )
   Run-time word compiled by DO-LITERAL

(loop)  ( -- )
   Run-time word compiled by LOOP

(s  ( -- )    stack-comment
   Alternate form of stack comment

(see)  ( acf -- )
   Decompiles the word

(u.)  ( u -- adr len )
   Converts an unsigned number to a character string

(where  ( -- )
   The Default implementation of WHERE


*  ( n1 n2  --  n3 )
   Multiplies n1 times n2


+  ( n1 n2 -- n3 )
   Adds n1+n2

+!  ( n adr -- )
   Adds n to the number stored at adr

+loop  ( n -- )
   Ends DO .. +LOOP construct; adds n to loop index

+str  ( adr1 -- adr2 )
   Finds the end of the packed string at adr1


,  ( n -- )
   Places a number in the dictionary

,"  ( -- )    ccc"
   Places a string at the top of the dictionary


-  ( n1 n2 -- n3 )
   Subtracts n1-n2

-rot  ( n1 n2 n3  ---  n3 n1 n2 )
   Shuffles top 3 stack items

-trailing  ( adr +n1  --  adr +n2 )
   Removes trailing spaces


.  ( n  -- )
   Displays a number

."  ( -- )    ccc"
   Compiles a string for later display

.(  ( -- )    ccc)
   Displays a string immediately

.id  ( anf -- )
   Displays the name of a word from its name field address

.name  ( acf -- )
   Displays the name of a word from its compilation address

.r  ( n +n -- )
   Displays a number in a fixed width field

.s  ( -- )
   Displays the contents of the data stack


/  ( n1 n2  --  n3 )
   Divides n1/n2

/c  ( -- n )
   The number of bytes in a byte; 1

/c*  ( n1 -- n2 )
   Multiplies by the size of a byte

/l  ( -- n )
   The number of bytes in a longword; 4 on a 32-bit system

/l*  ( n1 -- n2 )
   Multiply by the size of a longword

/link  ( -- n )
   The number of bytes in a dictionary link; 4 on a 32-bit system

/mod  ( n1 n2  --  n3 n4 )
   n3 is remainder, n4 is quotient of n1/n2

/n  ( -- n )
   The number of bytes in a normal; 4 on a 32-bit system

/n*  ( n1 -- n2 )
   Multiplies by the size of a stack item

/token  ( -- n )
   The number of bytes in a compiled address; 4 on a 32-bit system

/w  ( -- n )
   The number of bytes in a 16-bit word; 2

/w*  ( n1 -- n2 )
   Multiply by the size of a word


0<  ( n  --  flag )
   Is n < 0 ?

0=  ( n  --  flag )
   Is n = 0 ?

0>  ( n  --  flag )
   Is n > 0 ?

1+  ( n1  --  n2 )
   Add 1

1-  ( n1  --  n2 )
   Subtracts 1

16-bit  ( -- )
   Noop on a 16-bit system, aborts on a 32-bit system

16\  ( -- )
   Ignores rest of line if not a 16-bit system

2!  ( n1 n2 adr -- )
   Stores 2 numbers at adr

2*  ( n1 -- n2 )
   Multiplies by 2

2+  ( n1 -- n2 )
   Adds 2

2-  ( n1 -- n2 )
   Subtracts 2

2/  ( n1 -- n2 )
   Divides by 2

2@  ( adr -- n1 n2 )
   Fetchs 2 numbers from adr

2drop  ( n1 n2  -- )
   Removes 2 numbers from stack

2dup  ( n1 n2 --  n1 n2  n1 n2 )
   Duplicates 2 numbers

32-bit  ( -- )
   Aborts if the Forth system is a 16-bit implementation

32\  ( -- )
   Ignores rest of line in a 16-bit system; no-op on a 32-bit system


:  ( -- sys )    name
   Starts the compilation of a new colon definition

;  ( -- )
   Finishes the compilation of a colon definition

;s  ( -- )
   Terminates the loading of the current input file


<  ( n1 n2  --  flag )
   Is n1 < n2 ?

<#  ( -- )
   Initializes pictured numeric output

<<  ( n1 cnt -- n2 )
   Left shifts n1 by count places

<=  ( n1 n2  --  flag )
   True if n1 is less than or equal to n2

<>  ( n1 n2  --  flag )
   True if n1 is not equal to n2

<mark  ( -- adr )
   Remembers target of backward branch

<resolve  ( adr -- )
   Finishes a backward branch

<w@  ( adr -- n )
   Fetchs the signed 16-bit word at addr


=  ( n1 n2  --  flag )
   Is n1 = n2 ?


>  ( n1 n2  --  flag )
   Is n1 > n2 ?

>=  ( n1 n2  -- flag )
   True if n1 is greater than or equal to n2

>>  ( n1 cnt -- n2 )
   Rights shift n1 by "cnt" places

>>a  ( n1 cnt -- n2 )
   Arithmetic rights shift n1 by "cnt" places (sign bit copied to high bits)

>body  ( acf -- apf )
   Finds the parameter field address from the compilation address

>data  ( acf -- adr )
   Finds the data storage address for the word at acf

>in  ( -- adr )
   Variable containing input stream offset; Implemented in BLOCK.FTH

>link  ( acf -- alf )
   Finds link field address from compilation address

>mark  ( -- adr )
   Remembers the location of forward branch

>name  ( acf -- anf )
   Finds name field address from compilation address

>r  ( n -- )
   Moves a number to the return stack

>relbit  ( adr -- byte-adr bitmask )
   Returns byte address and mask of the relocation bit for the addess "adr"

>resolve  ( adr -- )
   Finishes a forward branch

>type  ( adr +n -- )
   Displays characters and stores them at PAD

>user  ( apf -- user-var-adr )
   Finds a user number that is in the parameter field

>user#  ( acf -- user# )
   Finds the user number associated with the word if there is one


?  ( adr  -- )
   Displays the contents of a variable

?branch  ( flag -- )
   High-level conditional branch

?comp  ( -- )
   Aborts if not compiling

?cr  ( -- )
   New line if fewer than no space left on this one

?csp  ( -- )
   Checks stack pointer against value saved by !CSP

?do  ( w1 w2 -- )
   Begins a ?DO .. LOOP to be executed 0 or more times

?dup  ( n  --  n n )
   Duplicates n if it is non-zero

?exec  ( -- )
   Aborts if not interpreting

?leave  ( flag -- )
   Exits from a DO .. LOOP if flag is nonzero

?line  ( n -- )
   New line if fewer than n spaces left on this one

?pairs  ( n1 n2 -- )
   Aborts if n1 is not equal to n2

?stack  ( -- )
   Aborts if the stack pointer is out of range


@  ( adr  --  n )
   Fetches a number from adr


abort  ( -- )
   Aborts current execution and interprets keyboard commands

abort"  ( flag -- )    ccc"
   Conditional abort with message

abs  ( n -- u )
   Absolute value

alias  ( -- )    new-name existing-name
   Creates a new name for an existing word

align  ( -- )
   Makes sure the dictionary pointer is on a machine word boundary

aligned  ( adr1 -- adr2 )
   Adjusts an address to a machine word boundary

allot  ( n -- )
   Allocates space in the dictionary

and  ( n1 n2 -- n3 )
   Logical and

another?  ( -- [ anf ] more? )
   Selects next word in vocabulary

ascii  ( -- char )    ccc
   Numerical value of first ascii character of next word


base  ( --  adr )
   Variable containing number base

begin  ( -- )
   Begins a BEGIN .. WHILE .. REPEAT loop

between  ( n min max -- f )
   True if min <= n <= max

bl  ( -- n )
   The ascii code for the space character; decimal 32

blk  ( -- adr )
   Variable containing input block number; Implemented in BLOCK.FTH

body>  ( apf -- acf )
   Finds compilation address from parameter field address

bounds  ( adr1 len -- adr2 adr1 )
   Converts address and length to endadr startadr

branch  ( -- )
   High-level unconditional branch

bwjoin  ( b.low b.high -- w )
   Joins two bytes to form a 16-bit number

bye  ( -- )
   Exits from Forth


c!  ( n -- adr )
   Stores a byte at adr

c@  ( adr -- n )
   Fetches a byte from adr

ca+  ( adr1 index -- adr2 )
   Increments adr1 by index times the size of a byte

ca1+  ( adr1 -- adr2 )
   Increments adr1 by the size of a byte

canonical  ( adr -- adr )
   Converts a string to lower case

caps  ( -- adr )
   USER variable controlling upper case/lower case sensitivity

case  ( selector -- selector )
   Begins a CASE ... ENDCASE conditional

catch ( acf -- 0|error )
   Executes 'acf'.  Returns 0 if no THROW occurred, else returns error code.

ccall  ( args ... format call# -- [ result ] )
   Executes user C function "call#", passing args according to "format" string

ccall:  ( table-entry# -- )  name   { arg-spec arg-spec ... -- result-spec }
   Creates a forth word to execute a user-supplied C function

cmove  ( adr1 adr2 u -- )
   Copies u bytes from adr1 to adr2

cmove>  ( adr1 adr2 u -- )
   Copies u bytes from adr1 to adr2

code  ( -- sys )    name
   Starts the definition of an assembly language word

compile  ( -- )
   Compiles next word at run time

constant  ( n -- )    name
   Defines a constant

context  ( -- adr )
   Array of vocabularies to search

control  ( -- char )    ccc
   Control character number of first character of next word

convert  ( +l1 adr1  --  +l2 adr2 )
   Converts a string to a number

count  ( adr1 --  adr2 +n )
   Unpacks a packed string

cr  ( -- )
   Terminates a line on the display and goes to the next line

crash  ( -- )
   Initial action for words defined by DEFER

create  ( -- )    name
   Generic defining word

current  ( -- adr )
   Variable containing compilation vocabulary


decimal  ( -- )
   Set number base to 10

defer  ( -- )    name
   Defining word for forward references or execution vectors

definer  ( acf -- definer-acf )
   Finds the word which defined the word at acf

definitions  ( -- )
   Sets compilation vocabulary

delimiter  ( -- adr )
   USER variable containing the actual delimiter found by WORD

depth  ( -- +n )
   How many numbers on stack?

digit  ( char base -- digit true | char false )
   Converts a character to a digit

do  ( n1 n2 -- )
   Begins a DO .. LOOP

do-defined  ( cfa immediate? -- ?? )
   Called to handle a predefined word during interpreting or compilation

do-literal  ( l -- ?? )
   Called to handle number during interpreting or compilation

do-undefined  ( str -- )
   Called to handle an undefined word during interpreting or compilation

does>  ( -- adr )
   Starts the run-time clause for defining words

dpl  ( -- adr )
   Variable containing the position of the decimal point in last number input

drop  ( n -- )
   Removes n from the stack

du  ( adr -- adr+64 )
   Displays 64 bytes of memory starting at adr

dump  ( adr len -- )
   Displays len bytes of memory starting at adr

dup  ( n -- n n )
   Duplicates n.


else  ( -- )
   Executes the following code if IF failed

emit  ( char -- )
   Displays the character

end-string-array  ( -- )
   Finishes the definition of a string array

endcase  ( selector -- )
   Terminates a CASE ... ENDCASE conditional

endof  ( -- )
   Terminates an OF ... ENDOF clause within a CASE ... ENDCASE conditional

entry  ( -- adr )
   USER variable used to implement multitasking

erase  ( adr u -- )
   Sets u bytes of memory to 0

errno  ( -- adr )
   USER variable containing the last system error code

error-output  ( -- )
   Selects the error output stream

execute  ( acf -- )
   Executes the word whose compilation address is on the stack

exit  ( -- )
   Returns from the current word

expect  ( adr +n -- )
   Gets a line of input from the keyboard and stores it at adr


false  ( -- 0 )
   The value FALSE, which is 0

fclose  ( fd -- )
   Closes the file whose descriptor is "fd"

fcr  ( fd -- )
   Writes the end-of-line sequence to the file "fd"

fexit  ( -- )
   Ignores the rest of the current input file

fflush  ( fd -- )
   Forces file buffers to be written to the file.

fgetc  ( fd -- char )
   Returns next character from file whose descriptor is "fd", or -1 at end.

fgetline  ( adr fd -- #bytes )
   Reads next line from file "fd" into buf at "adr" as packed string.

fgets  ( adr maxlen fd -- #bytes-read )
   Reads up to "maxlen" characters from file "fd" into buffer at "adr".

fill  ( adr u byte  -- )
   Sets u bytes of memory to byte

find  ( adr1 -- adr2 n )
   Finds a word in the dictionary

fload  ( -- )    filename
   Interprets a file

follow  ( threads -- )
   Prepares to scan a vocabulary; see ANOTHER?

fopen  ( string mode -- fd )
   Opens the file "string" in mode "mode" (READ, WRITE, MODIFY).

forth  ( -- )
   The main vocabulary

forth-83  ( -- )
   Asserts the dialect

fputc  ( char fd -- )
   Writes the character "char" to the file whose descriptor is "fd"

fputs  ( adr len fd -- )
   Writes "len" characters from the buffer at "adr" to the file "fd"

fseek  ( l.position fd -- )
   Sets position of file "fd" to the 32-bit number "l.position"

fsize  ( fd -- l.size )
   Returns 32-bit size of the file "fd"

ftell  ( fd -- l.position )
   Returns 32-bit current position within the file "fd"

fungetc  ( char fd -- )
   Puts "char" back on file "fd"; undoes "fgetc"



here  ( -- adr )
   Address of top of dictionary

hex  ( -- )
   Sets the number base to 16

hidden  ( -- )
   Vocabulary containing words used only to implement other words

hide  ( -- )
   Makes the most recent word invisible

hold  ( char  -- )
   Inserts the char in the pictured numeric output string


i  ( -- n )
   Loop index

if  ( flag -- )
   Executes following code if flag is true

immediate  ( -- )
   Marks the last word as immediate

immediate?  ( acf -- flag )
   True if word is immediate

input-file-name  ( -- str )
   The name of the file being interpreted.

interpret  ( -- )
   Interprets the input stream

is  ( action-acf -- )    name
   Installs a new action in a DEFER word


j  ( -- n )
   Loop index for next enclosing loop


key  ( -- char )
   Explicit 32-bit addition


l+!  ( l adr  -- )
   Adds l to the 32-bit number at adr

l,  ( l -- )
   Places a longword in the dictionary

l->n  ( l -- n )
   Converts a longword to a stack item; noop on this system

l.  ( l -- )
   Displays a 32-bit signed number

l0=  ( l  --  flag )
   True if l is zero

l<  ( l1 l2  --  flag )
   True if l1 is less than l2

l=  ( l1 l2 -- flag )
   True if l1 is equal to l2

l>=  ( l1 l2 -- flag )
   True if l1 is less than l2; explicitly 32-bit

l>name  ( alf -- anf )
   Finds the name field address from link field address

l>r  ( l -- )
   Moves a longword to the return stack

l@  ( adr -- l )
   Fetchs the 32-bit longword at adr

la+  ( adr1 index -- adr2 )
   Increments adr1 by index times the size of a longword

la1+  ( adr1 -- adr2 )
   Increments adr1 by the size of a longword

land  ( l1 l2 -- l3 )
   Explicit 32-bit logical and

last  ( -- adr )
   USER variable containing the name field address of the last word created

lastacf  ( -- acf )
   The compilation address of the last word created

lbetween  ( l1 lmin lmax -- flag )
   True if lmin <= l1 <= lmax; explicitly 32-bit

lbsplit  ( l -- b.low b.mlow b.mhigh b.high )
   Splits a longword into four bytes

lconstant  ( l -- )    name
   Defines a 32-bit constant

ldrop  ( l -- )
   Removes a longword from the stack

ldup  ( l -- l l )
   Duplicates l

leave  ( -- )
   Exit from DO .. LOOP

link!  ( link adr -- )
   Stores a dictionary link

link@  ( lfa -- link )
   Fetches a dictionary link

literal  ( -- n )
   Compiles a number

literal?  ( str -- str false | n true )
   Checks to see if a string is a number during interpreting or compilation

lliteral  ( -- l )
   Compiles an explicit 32-bit number

lmargin  ( -- adr )
   Variable containg left margin for output formatting

lnegate  ( l1 -- l2 )
   Explicit 32-bit negation

lnover  ( l1 n -- l1 n l2 )
   Copies a longword over a normal

lnswap  ( l n -- n l )
   Swaps a longword and a normal

long?  ( -- flag )
   True if the number that was just input contained a decimal point

loop  ( -- )
   End of DO .. LOOP

lose  ( -- )
   Compiled in place of an undefined word; aborts

lr>  ( -- l )
   Moves a longword from the return stack

lswap  ( l1 l2 -- l2 l1 )
   Swap 2 longwords

lvariable  ( -- )    name
   Define a 32-bit variable

lwithin  ( l1 lmin lmax -- flag )
   True if lmin <= l1 < lmax; explicitly 32-bit

lwsplit  ( l -- w.low w.high )
   Split a longword into two words


max  ( n1 n2  --  n3 )
   n3 is maximum of n1 and n2

maxdp  ( -- adr )
   The highest address that the dictionary can grow to

maxprimitive  ( -- n )
   The maximum number of Forth words implemented directly in C

min  ( n1 n2  --  n3 )
   n3 is minimum of n1 and n2

mod  ( n1 n2  -- n3 )
   Remainder of n1/n2

move  ( adr1 adr2 u -- )
   Copies u bytes from adr1 to adr2

mu/mod  ( ul n -- n.rem ul.quot )
   Divides longword by normal giving normal remainder and long quotient


n->l  ( u -- l )
   Converts a stack item to a longword; noop on this system

n->w  ( n -- w )
   Converts a stack item to a word

n>link  ( anf -- alf )
   Finds link field from name field

na+  ( adr1 index -- adr2 )
   Increments adr1 by index times the size of a stack item

na1+  ( adr1 -- adr2 )
   Increments adr1 by the size of a stack item

name->string  ( anf -- str )
   Converts the name of a Forth word to a packed string

name>  ( anf -- acf )
   Finds compilation address from name field

negate  ( n1 -- n2 )
   Changes the sign of n1

newline  ( -- char )
   The character which ends a line in a text file.

nip  ( n1 n2 -- n2 )
   Discards the second element from the data stack

nlover  ( n1 l -- n1 l n2 )
   Copies a normal over a longword

nlswap  ( n l -- l n )
   Swaps a normal and a longword

noop  ( -- )
   Does nothing

not  ( n1 -- n2 )
   One's complement

number?  ( adr -- l flag )
   Converts a character string to a 32-bit number

nuser  ( -- )    name
   Defines and allocates space for a User variable


of  ( selector test-value -- )
   Begins an OF ... ENDOF clause within a CASE ... ENDCASE conditional

off  ( adr  -- )
   Stores false at adr

on  ( adr  -- )
   Stores true at adr

or  ( n1 n2 -- n3 )
   Logical or

origin  ( -- adr )
   The address of the start of the Forth system

over  ( n1 n2  --  n1 n2 n3 )
   n3 is a copy of n1.


pack  ( adr1 len adr2 -- adr2 )
   Makes a packed string from adr1 len, placing it at adr2

pad  ( --  adr )
   The address of a scratch area used to temporary storage

pick  ( n1  --  n2 )
   Copies n-th number

place  ( adr1 len adr2 -- )
   Makes a packed string from adr1 len, placing it at adr2

primitive?  ( acf -- flag )
   True if acf is a reference to a Forth word implemented directly in C

printable?  ( char -- flag )
   True if character is printable


quit  ( -- )
   Interprets keyboard commands


r>  ( -- n )
   Moves a number from the return stack to the data stack

r@  ( -- n )
   Copies the top of the return stack to the data stack

repeat  ( -- )
   Ends a BEGIN .. WHILE .. REPEAT loop

restore-output  ( -- )
   Goes back to the old output stream after ERROR-OUTPUT

reveal  ( -- )
   Makes the most recent word visible

rmargin  ( -- adr )
   Variable containg right margin for output formatting

root  ( -- )
   The vocabulary selected by ONLY

rot  ( n1 n2 n3  ---  n2 n3 n1 )
   Rotates 3 numbers

rp!  ( adr -- )
   Changes the return stack pointer

rp0  ( -- adr )
   A variable containing the address of the bottom of the return stack

rp@  ( -- adr )
   The address of the top of the return stack


s->l  ( n -- l )
   Converts a signed stack item to a longword; noop on this system

s.  ( n -- )
   Displays n as a signed number

save-forth  ( filename -- )
   Writes the Forth dictionary to a file.

see  ( -- )    name
   Decompiles the named word

shift  ( n1 n2 -- n3 )
   Sets sign of pictured output

skipstr  ( -- adr len )
   Used to implement words with in-line strings

sp!  ( adr -- )
   Changes the data stack pointer

sp0  ( --  ADDR )
   Variable containing the address of the bottom of the Data Stack

sp@  ( -- adr )
   The address of the top of the data stack

space  ( -- )
   Displays a space character

spaces  ( +n  -- )
   Displays n spaces

span  ( -- adr )
   Variable containing the number of characters read by EXPECT

state  ( -- adr )
   Variable that is nonzero in compile state

string-array  ( -- )     name
   Begins the definition of a string array

swap  ( n1 n2  --  n2 n1 )
   Exchanges the top 2 stack entries.

syscall  ( args ... format sycall# -- error? )
   Executes system call "syscall#", passing args according to "format" string


ta+  ( adr1 index -- adr2 )
   Increments adr1 by index times the size of a compiled address

ta1+  ( adr1 -- adr2 )
   Increments adr1 by the size of a compiled address

td  ( -- ? )
   Interprets the next word or number in DECIMAL mode

th  ( -- ? )
   Interprets the next word or number in HEX mode

then  ( -- )
   Terminates an IF ... ELSE ... THEN

throw  ( error -- )
   Aborts back to most recent CATCH point.  See CATCH.

tib  ( -- adr )
   The address of the Text Input Buffer

to-column  ( column -- )
   Advances the output to the indicated column

token!  ( adr2 adr1 -- )
   Stores a relocatable address at adr1

token,  ( adr -- )
   Places a relocatable address in the dictionary

token@  ( adr1 -- adr2 )
   Fetches a relocatable address

true  ( -- -1 )
   The value TRUE , which is -1

tuck  ( n1 n2 -- n2 n1 n2 )
   Copies the top of the stack underneath the second item

type  ( adr +n -- )
   Displays n characters


u.  ( u -- )
   Displays an unsigned number

u.r  ( u +n -- )
   Prints an unsigned number in fixed width field

u<  ( u1 u2  --  flag )
   Unsigned version of < .

u<=  ( u1 n2 -- flag )
   True if u1 is less than or equal to u2

u>  ( u1 n2 -- flag )
   True if u1 is greater than u2

u>=  ( u1 n2 -- flag )
   True if u1 is greater than or equal to u2

ualloc  ( size -- new-user-number )
   Allocates space in the user area

ul*  ( ul1 ul2 -- lproduct )
   Unsigned 32x32 -> 32 multiply

um*  ( uw1 uw2 -- ul )
   16 bits times 16 bits unsigned multiply

um/mod  ( ul un -- un.rem un.quot )
   Divide unsigned 32-bit number by unsigned number

unnest  ( -- )
   Returns from a colon definition

until  ( flag -- )
   Continues executing a BEGIN .. UNTIL loop until flag is true

up!  ( adr -- )
   Changes the starting address of the user area

up0  ( -- adr )
   User variable containing the starting address of the USER area

up@  ( --  adr )
   The starting address of the aser area

user  ( offset -- )    name
   Defines a variable at the given offset in the User area

user-size  ( -- n )
   The size in bytes of the USER area.


variable  ( -- )    name
   Defines a variable

vfind  ( str voc-ptr -- cfa 1 )
   Searches for a word in a single vocabulary

voc-link  ( -- adr )
   USER variable containing the address of the last vocabulary created

vocabulary  ( -- )    name
   Defines a new vocabulary


w!  ( w adr -- )
   Stores a 16-bit word at adr

w,  ( w -- )
   Places a word in the dictionary

w->l  ( uw -- l )
   Converts an unsigned 16-bit number to a 32-bit number

w@  ( adr -- w )
   Fetches the unsigned word at adr

wa+  ( adr1 index -- adr2 )
   Increments adr1 by index times the size of a word

wa1+  ( adr1 -- adr2 )
   Increments adr1 by the size of a word

warning  ( -- adr )
   USER variable controlling "isn't Unique" messages

wbsplit  ( w -- b.low b.high )
   Split a 16-bit number into two bytes

where  ( -- )
   Prints a message telling where in the input stream you are

while  ( flag  -- )
   Continues execution of BEGIN .. WHILE .. REPEAT loop while flag is true

why  ( -- )
   Tells why the last failing system command failed

within  ( n min max -- f )
   True if n <= x < max

wljoin  ( w.low w.high -- l )
   Joins two words to form a longword

word  ( char -- adr )
   Collects a char-delimited string from the input stream

words  ( -- )
   Displays the words in the context vocabulary


xor  ( n1 n2 -- n3 )
   Exclusive or






[  ( -- )
   Begins interpreting

[""]  ( -- )    ccc
   Collects a word from the input stream and compiles it as a string

[']  ( -- adr )
   Compiles the compilation address of a word

[compile]  ( -- )
   Compiles the next word even if it's immediate


\  ( -- )    rest-of-line
   Skips the rest of the line

\c  ( -- )    rest-of-line
   Skips the rest of the line

\dtc  ( -- )
   Does nothing

\itc  ( -- )
   Ignores the rest of the line

\needs  ( -- )    name rest-of-line
   Interprets the rest of the line if needed-word is not already defined

\t16  ( -- )
   Ignores the rest of the line

\t32  ( -- )
   Does nothing


]  ( -- )
   Begins compilation





Floating Point Words

C Forth 83 Floating Point

The C Forth 83 Floating Point interface is intended to conform to the
Forth Vendors Group proposed Forth Floating Point Standard.

This implementation has the following characteristics:

* Floating point numbers are kept on a separate floating point stack.
* The floating point format is whatever the C floating point implementation
  uses for double precision floating point.

Floating point numeric input:

    Floating point numbers are of the form, for example:

    The "E" is mandatory; it allows the Forth number parser to
    distinguish this as a floating point number.  Examples:

      1E0   -1.3E-4

    The presence of a decimal point is not in itself sufficient to
    distinguish a number as being floating point.  The "E" must be

    Floating point numbers are only recognized if BASE is decimal.

    Floating point numbers may be both interpreted and compiled in the
    usual way.

  Words marked "FVG" are specified by the Forth Vendors Group
  proposed floating point standard.

F+    fp1 fp2 -- fp3         FVG
  Floating-point addition.  fp3 is the sum of fp1 and fp2.

F-    fp1 fp2 -- fp3         FVG
  Floating-point subtraction.  fp3 is the difference fp1 minus fp2.

F*    fp1 fp2 -- fp3        FVG
  Floating-point multiplication.  fp3 is the product of fp1 and fp2.

F/    fp1 fp2 -- fp3        FVG
  Floating-point division.  fp3 is the quotient of fp1 divided by fp2.

F**    fp1 fp2 -- fp3        FVG
  Floating-point exponentiation.  fp3 is the value of fp1 raised to the
  power fp2.

FCOS    fp1 -- fp2        FVG
  fp2 is the cosine of fp1.  Input argument is in radians.

FSIN    fp1 -- fp2        FVG
  fp2 is the sine of fp1.  Input argument is in radians.

FSINCOS    fp1 -- fp2 fp3        FVG
  fp2 is the sine of fp1 and fp3 is the cosine of fp3.  Input argument
  is in radians.

FTAN    fp1 -- fp2        FVG
  fp2 is the tangent of r1.  The tangent of pi/2 or 3pi/2 radians
  returns the largest floating point number representable in the
  implementation's binary format.

FALN    fp1 -- fp2        FVG
  The exponential function.  fp2 is the value of e raised to the power
  of fp1.

FLN    fp1 -- fp2        FVG
  fp2 is the natural logarithm of fp1.

FSQRT    fp1 -- fp2        FVG
  fp2 is the square root of fp1.

FLOG    fp1 -- fp2        FVG
  fp2 is the base 10 logarithm of fp1.

FATAN    fp1 -- fp2        FVG
  fp2 is the arctangent of fp1.  This operator is valid for all floating
  point numbers.  The result is in the range -pi/2 to pi/2 radians.

FASIN    fp1 -- fp2        FVG
  fp2 is the arcsine of fp1.  Valid for -1 <= fp1 <= 1.  The result
  is in the range -pi/2 to pi/2 radians.

FACOS    fp1 -- fp2        FVG
  fp2 is the arccosine of fp1.  Valid for -1 <= fp1 <= 1.  The result
  is in the range -pi/2 to pi/2 radians.

FSINH    fp1 -- fp2        FVG
  fp2 is the hyperbolic sine of fp1.

FCOSH    fp1 -- fp2        FVG
  fp2 is the hyperbolic cosine of fp1.

FTANH    fp1 -- fp2        FVG
  fp2 is the hyperbolic tangent of fp1.

FVARIABLE   -- (compilation)      FVG
    -- addr (execution)
  A defining word used in the form:
    FVARIABLE cccc
  When FVARIABLE executes, it creates the definition cccc with its 
  parameter field uninitialized.  When cccc is later executed, the 
  address of the parameter field is left on the stack, so that a 
  F@ or F! operation may access this location.

FCONSTANT   fp -- (compilation)      FVG
    -- fp (execution)
  A defining word used in the form:
    fp FCONSTANT <name>
  When FCONSTANT executes, it creates the definition 
  so that when <name> is later executed, the floating point
  number fp is left on the stack.

FALOG    fp1 -- fp2        FVG
  fp2 is the result of raising 10 to the fp1 power.

F.    fp --          FVG
  Display fp on the currently selected output device in fixed-point
  form; i.e., the location of the decimal point is adjusted as 
  necessary so that no exponent need be displayed.  The number of
  digits specified by the most recent execution of the word PLACES
  are printed to the right of the decimal point.  A trailing blank 
  follows.  For example, 4 PLACES 1.2345E02 F. will display as
  123.4500b (where the character "b" denotes an ASCII blank).

F.R    fp n1 n2 --        FVG
  Display fp on the currently selected output device in fixed-point
  form with n1 digits to the right of the decimal place, right
  justified in a field of width n.  Numbers that cannot be represented
  within the given field width are printed in exponential form.
  If the current system base is not decimal, an error condition
  exists.  For example, 1.2345E2  4  12  F.R  will display as
  bbbb123.4500 (where the character "b" denotes an ASCII blank).

  ** Not implemented **

F.S    --
  Print the contents of the floating point stack without affecting
  its contents.  The number on the top of the stack appears on the
  right-hand side of the line.

E.    fp --          FVG
  Display fp in exponential form.  The significand contains the 
  maximum number of significant digits allowed by the floating-point 
  data format, and the exponent is explicitly displayed even if it is 
  zero.  A trailing blank follows.  If the current system base is not 
  decimal, an error condition exists.  

E.R    fp n1 n2 --        FVG
  Display fp on the currently selected output device in exponential
  form with n1 digits to the right of the decimal place, right
  justified in a field of width n.  If the current system base is
  not decimal, an error condition exists.  For example, 1.234E0
  5  12  E.R  will display as  bb.12340E-01  (where the character
  "b" denotes an ASCII blank).

  ** Not implemented **

FLOAT     l -- fp          FVG
  Convert a signed long integer into its floating-point equivalent,
  removing the long integer from the Forth parameter stack and 
  leaving the result on the floating-point stack.

INT    fp -- l          FVG
  Truncate a floating-point number to a signed long integer (round it 
  toward zero), removing the fp number from the floating-point stack 
  and leaving the result on the Forth parameter stack.  Underflow gives
  a zero result, overflow is an error condition.

FIX    fp -- l          FVG
  Convert a floating-point number to a signed long integer, rounding
  towards the nearest integer, removing the fp number from the
  floating-point stack, and leaving the result on the Forth parameter
  stack.  Underflow gives a zero result, overflow is an error condition.

FABS    fp1 --fp2        FVG
  fp2 is the absolute value of the floating-point number fp1 .

FNEGATE    fp1 -- fp2        FVG
  fp2 is the negative of the floating-point number fp1 .

F!    f addr --         FVG
  Store a floating-point number from the floating-point stack
  into the address that is on top of the Forth parameter stack.
F@    addr -- f        FVG
  Fetch a floating-point number to the top of the floating-point
  stack from the address that is on top of the Forth parameter

FDROP    fp --          FVG
  Discard floating-point number on top of the stack.

FSWAP    fp1 fp2 -- fp2 fp1      FVG
  Interchange the two floating-point numbers on top of the stack.

FOVER    fp1 fp2 -- fp1 fp2 fp1      FVG
  Copy the second floating-point number on the stack to the top of
  the stack.

FDUP    fp -- fp fp        FVG
  Duplicate the floating-point number on top of the stack.

FROT    fp1 fp2 fp3 -- fp2 fp3 fp1    FVG
  Rotate the third floating-point number to the top of the stack.

FPOP    f -- l l
  Move the fp number on top of the floating-point stack to the 
  top two cells of the parameter stack, without converting it to an 
  integer.  fpop just moves the bits, without any sort
  of format conversion.

FPUSH    l l -- f
  Push the top two numbers on the parameter stack to the top cell
  of the floating-point stack, without converting them to fp.
  fpop just moves the bits, without any sort of format conversion.

F0=    fp -- f          FVG
  True if the floating-point number on top of the stack is equal to
  zero.  The fp number is removed from the floating-point stack,
  and the flag is left on top of the Forth parameter stack.

F0<>    fp -- f
  True if the floating-point number on top of the stack is not equal
  to zero.  The fp number is removed from the floating-point stack,
  and the flag is left on top of the Forth parameter stack.

F0<    fp -- f          FVG
  True if the floating-point number on top of the fp stack is less
  than zero.  The fp number is removed from the floating-point
  stack, and the flag is left on top of the Forth parameter stack.

F0>=    fp -- f
  True if the floating-point number on top of the fp stack is greater
  than or equal to zero.  The fp number is removed from the floating-
  point stack, and the flag is left on top of the Forth parameter stack.

F0<=    fp -- f
  True if the floating-point number on top of the fp stack is less
  than or equal to zero.  The fp number is removed from the floating-
  point stack, and the flag is left on top of the Forth parameter stack.

F0>    fp -- f          FVG
  True if the floating-point number on top of the fp stack is greater
  than zero.  The fp number is removed from the floating-point stack,
  and the flag is left on top of the Forth parameter stack.

F<    fp1 fp2 -- f        FVG
  True if fp1 is less than fp2 .  The two floating-point
  numbers are removed from the floating-point stack, and the flag
  is left on top of the Forth parameter stack.

F>    fp1 fp2 -- f        FVG
  True if fp1 is greater than fp2 .  The two floating-point
  numbers are removed from the floating-point stack, and the flag
  is left on top of the Forth parameter stack.

F<=    fp1 fp2 -- f
  True if fp1 is less than or equal to fp2 .  The two floating-point
  numbers are removed from the floating-point stack, and the flag
  is left on top of the Forth parameter stack.

F>=    fp1 fp2 -- f
  True if fp1 is greater than or equal to fp2 .  The two floating-point
  numbers are removed from the floating-point stack, and the flag
  is left on top of the Forth parameter stack.

F=    fp1 fp2 -- f          FVG
  True if fp1 is equal to fp2 .  The two floating-point
  numbers are removed from the floating-point stack, and the flag
  is left on top of the Forth parameter stack.

F<>    fp1 fp2 -- f
  True if fp1 is not equal to fp2 .  The two floating-point
  numbers are removed from the floating-point stack, and the flag
  is left on top of the Forth parameter stack.

FMAX    fp1 fp2 -- fp3
  fp3 is the larger of the 2 floating point numbers fp1 and fp2

FMIN    fp1 fp2 -- fp3
  fp3 is the smaller of the 2 floating point numbers fp1 and fp2

FCEIL    fp1 -- l
  l is the smallest integer which is as least as large as the floating
  point number fp1.  fp1 is removed from the floating point stack and
  the result is left on the parameter stack.
FFLOOR    fp1 -- l
  l is the largest integer which is not larger than the floating
  point number fp1.  fp1 is removed from the floating point stack and
  the result is left on the parameter stack.
FP!    n  --
  Store the integer on the parameter stack into the floating-point
  stack pointer.  Used for initialization.

FP@    -- addr
  Fetch the current contents of the floating-point stack pointer to
  the parameter stack.

FDEPTH    -- n
  n is the number of floating point numbers currently on the floating
  point stack.

FP0    -- addr
  addr is the address of a USER variable which contains the 32-bit
  address of the of the top of the floating point stack area.
  The stack grows towards low memory from there.  FP0 L@ FP!
  would empty the floating point stack, but see INITF .

FCLEAR    --
  Clears the floating point stack.

/F    -- n
  Leaves the size, in bytes, of a floating point number in storage 
  format.  In this system, the value is 8.

(FLITERAL)  -- fp
  The run-time work compiled by fliteral which takes
  a floating point number from the executing code stream
  and leaves it on the floating point stack.

FLITERAL  fp --          C,I
  The floating point number is removed from the floating point stack
  and compiled into the current definition so that when the definition
  is later executed, that floating point number will be left on the
  floating point stack.

Floating point example:

This example prints a table of the values of the sine function at 1/10
radian intervals between 0 and two-pi.

3.1415926535E0  2E0  f* fconstant 2pi

: sine-table ( -- )
   0E0      ( angle )
      fdup 2pi  f<      ( angle end? )
      fdup f.  fdup fsin  f.  cr
      .1E0   f+    ( angle' )


Copyright -- Adapted by Peter Forth August 2018